
people on bluesky will be writing "here's how Biden is the only choice to beat Trump in 2024" threads long after President Harris has left office
keep having fun with that dumbass "blitz primary" nonsense though
did it just self-select for the most obstinate partisans and media haters or something
it's been genuinely quite amusing seeing the prevailing consensus on here not shift at all even as the mood here in DC is somewhere between "funereal" and "hair on fire"
"The lime is in the coconut, I say again: The lime is in the coconut. Commence Operation Drink Them Both Up."
It's age. They don't understand the attention economy. They're trying to share NYT coverage to make them stop. 🥥 is the left version of the ok sign. We tell the youth it's about Brumaire secretly (that's part of why it went viral). Tell them it means "we win, we steal or we die"
There's no "conventional understanding of politics" that explains why every GOP staffer knows who Evola is. We're polling bad with the youth. I'm calling them "swing voters". Win them, energize them, turn them out. We make sure to talk up Biden as a figure but imo, this is a cultural coup.
People on here will tell you the youth are impossible to win. They tell you that because the youth are illegible. They act like it's an iron law of the universe that respectable dem voters will vote for Hitler 2 if gas is too expensive. They just can't count, and they're siloed
A rare post on this issue where any decent person can agree, whether they prefer Biden or Harris.