Dr. M.A. Davis

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Dr. M.A. Davis


Historian in WNC, working on nuclear war, teaching part-time at Lees-McRae, available for professional consultations, teaching full-time, opinions are definitely my own
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Biden’s made it clear he's not dropping out. Stop this GOP propaganda. Focus on Trump being a felon, an adjudicated rapist, a convicted fraudster, and a twice-impeached president who let a million Americans die of COVID because his administration THREW AWAY the pandemic response plans left by Obama.
Probably a #disabilitystudies paper in this MURDER, SHE WROTE episode where Jessica Fletcher is narrating a "book for the blind" in an episode with at least one blind character. (the taping is interrupted by - well, you know how the show goes.)
a call for the secession of the South is a call for the US to be whiter.
this radio show from 1944 has John Carradine and Bela Lugosi - and it's about rabies. all right!
Trivia time: It is a true fact that the former governor of a US state wore a garment made of human skin to his inauguration. Without looking it up, can you guess what state it was - and what decade it took place in?
readers, here is a puzzle for you: My recent place of hire was formerly a drug rehab/mental health institution. My classroom has its own bathroom and kitchenette. It is not directly accessible from the rest of the building, you have to use an exterior door. Can you guess what it used to be?
Theme for American Literature - Beginnings and Endings (I call it "American Apocalypse") Alas, Babylon Narrative of Frederick Douglass Zitkala-Sa With the idea that Douglass makes his own apocalypse, Zitkala-Sa lives in a world recovering from one, and Pat Frank imagines what one would be like.
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you will not successfully gaslight me. Voting against republicans is fun as hell and everyone should do it.
www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/... if anybody is feeling flush, here's my booklist for the fall. The school has a good budget but the less I'm digging at it, the better.
Check out my list on Amazonwww.amazon.com
listen up y'all it's (1937's Joseph Conrad adaptation) SABOTAGE
okay - officially employed full-time in the fall! educational full-time, academic part-time, it's all good.
A lot of the time when people ask “is this anything?” It really isn’t but it’s not polite to say that.
I was about to turn off MURDER, SHE WROTE but the next episode has Roddy McDowell and Brad Dourif and is about the Devil. Okay show you've got me for another hour.
really wish there was a version of CELEBRATED CASES OF JUDGE DEE that didn't have a half-naked lady on the cover.
I saw someone respond to today's bad news by saying "we're all going to die" and cheer up - that's true whoever wins the election.
remote talk on William Dudley Pelley went well. in a conference about serious modern extremist threats, I was the guy talking about the Nazi occultist who married his mistress to unsuccessfully avoid prosecution and then died a failure (and UFO cultist). went well!
A question, readers - what is the name of LeVar Burton's haircut in this 1987 Murder, She Wrote episode? It feels like it should have one but I don't know it.
I would have preferred to have been surprised.
Here is a thread from a historian about how things could be worse - in no particular chronological order. 🧵
watching the very bad CASSANDRA CROSSING, didn't expect to see OJ Simpson in it
man, looking at this MURDER, SHE WROTE where George Takei plays a clumsy accented janitor with big coke bottle glasses _in the 1980s_, you can see why Sulu was such a revelation for him.
a young John Glover in this episode of Murder, She Wrote. He is playing a shady character who is maybe not all bad.
interesting that Murder She Wrote gets a cleaned-up release but Matlock does not
I don’t know who “undefined” or “a blocked poster” is, but from what my friends say they have some very bad ideas.