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Bi, Grad Student, Heat Transferer and Supercritical Fluid Enjoyer

I riff much better than I post

Question What is Questionable and Make Questionable What is Not So

Left-SR for Bonapartism with Bidenist characteristics
I'm not saying just that bsky is a pro-Biden bubble. I'm saying that the coup happening right now is only secret on bsky. It's not a secret elsewhere
Joever, and thank God. Imagine what the Dems have been negotiating against
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Monthswww.nytimes.com The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
We contest every media market where people listen to Joe Rogan. We need a candidate that can win the dumbasses who listen to Joe Rogan. That candidate is Harris
and it doesn't really share media markets with anywhere else that's contested
Reposted byAvatar LOWρUF🥥
This is the mood outside of bsky
Bluesky doesn't speak to the youth; it blocks them when it gets confused. Blocking is healthy. Blocking every time someone is indecipherable means you don't understand what's going on outside your bubble. This place is a bubble. Twitter (for ALL its faults) is real life
Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, this is about dialectics. This is why young people are making Napoleon jokes. It's part of why they're pushing the Brumaire jokes. Youth are actively shaping the media environment for a dem win, and if none of those words made sense to you, it's an age thing
81 is too old to be working 12 hour days 7 days a week. It's possible to delegate so you're only working something sustainable like ~4-5 hours. There's no issue with that. The problem is that a lot of voters don't believe you can. I think the campaign isn't convincing people. Harris/Biden fixes this
Circular logic that is also true because discussion and propaganda are the same thing: a Harris/Biden ticket is best because you can advocate for it *now* without damaging a Biden/Harris ticket
The way people are reacting to the Biden call here vs in the outside world is extremely stark. If the campaign sounds like bsky... Let's just say he's the best VP candidate imaginable and Harris is perfect for the presidency
Reposted byAvatar LOWρUF🥥
If the center wants to know why they struggle with youth engagement: it's because they're opposed to youth being allowed to engage in politics. It's extremely simple
I think the culture of fear within the democratic party (and why voters see us as weak), has a lot to do with demanding an impossible knowledge of polling before an action and *not* doing that when someone proposes taking no action. This is a subtweet of a prominent political voice on here
People on here do not know how to ratfuck a consensus out of the ether. They don't know how to put on a rain coat, and will instead look up and argue with the weather. There's no difference between discussion and propaganda. They are the exact same thing
Be nice if that existential threat to democracy got as much coverage as the president's aging, wouldn't it?
When it comes to shaping info spaces, there is no shame in being a sophisticated actor. You do not win a debate with the NYT by sharing their articles. What you do is make the iron hot by striking. Old centrists on here don't know which way the wind blows, and that's why Harris shocked them
You want to lose so bad lol. You want to lose after a hard fought campaign and blame someone else. You actually don't even know this. You *think* you know better. Trust the plan, "🥥/Brumaire" is a threat. We just fucking win
5 years, 6 months and 28 days. That's how much time passed between the elevator moment and the storming of the US capitol. Online neo-nazis seized the entire GOP, crafted it into a weapon and then attempted a coup. The military sided with *us*
I am torn between a desire to be precisely the opposite of what these people want me to be and a desire to let these people have absolutely no impact whatsoever on my life
Hey guys, this emoji is literally the left wing "ok sign". It's a play off the "coconut tree" quip being quite similar to a famous line from Brumaire. The topic of Brumaire is "if you lose control of everything and the air smells of gunpowder, how do you guess which way the cannon point?"
Is politics performative? Is that why every zoomers ran laps around you spamming 🥥, manufacturing consent for a Harris run and making sure young leftists were ready with jokes about Marx's Brumaire to get them energized? Are you going to cry? Should we call Jean Baudrillard?
Is politics performative? Is that why every zoomers ran laps around you spamming 🥥, manufacturing consent for a Harris run and making sure young leftists were ready with jokes about Marx's Brumaire to get them energized? Are you going to cry? Should we call Jean Baudrillard?
Hey liberals! This is something you should understand! We are *structurally* opposed by agrarian fascists. *Both* parties are class-collaborationism to start with. We can turn on the propaganda mills and know we'll never be as evil as the right. Make the iron hot by striking
"Terrorism is always that of the real." - Simulacra and Simulation
Reposted byAvatar LOWρUF🥥
the GOP wants to illegalize big tiddy goth girls and dragon vore, and I can think of nothing less American than that
Tell every person you know that the GOP wants to ban porn. Let them imagine a hellscape where they both have no human rights and no legal sources of weird smut to drown their sorrows in
Reposted byAvatar LOWρUF🥥
There will be defeats, there will be victories, but the fight against the global far-right marches ever onward.
This is precisely it: they hate winning. They have *no* will-to-power. The center has been frog-boiled into having no will-to-power. This is why half this site blocked everyone telling them it's Harris, and are still mad about it. The old script is dead, and we still do not lose
“pledge to run positive only campaigns” what the fuck is wrong with these people
I CAN hear the falconer! The ceremony of innocence ISN'T drowned! The Beast ISN'T vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle! We are only living in that Yeats poem if we chose to be
Situation excellent, we are attacking
Reposted byAvatar LOWρUF🥥
Democratic insiders and donors have lost their minds
Reposted byAvatar LOWρUF🥥
On twitter I was behind a Harris/Biden ticket 6 days ago because it was obviously that or we lose. I like to play ball, so I only got blocked by like 5 people. If I had *robustly* defended that ticket here, most of the "very serious people" would have blocked me. Idk though, I want your vote
A lot of folks who supposedly analyze politics for a living are just like…not good at it?
If it makes David Sacks lose, we have always been at war with Eastasia. These guys *made up* the deep state, and then it counter-couped them on January 6th. They are constantly destroyed by what they hallucinate. We are what they hallucinate. We should become what they hallucinate
It’s amazing the extent to which our billionaire tech bro overlords are just telling us out loud that they are rooting for fascism. Makes me slightly nostalgic for the days when American plutocrats plotted against democracy in secret.
Reposted byAvatar LOWρUF🥥
right. NYT leadership knows they operate in a moderate/liberal bubble, and after 2016 they decided that the only way to adjust for this is to always assume that reactionary thought is more popular than it seems to be
Every big media organization was so crossed-up by Trump winning in 2016 that they have been behaving and hiring as if Long Island-Coded Suburbo-Racist Sociopathy was on an unstoppable ascent worldwide, and interpreting everything backwards from there. It turns out most people actually hate it!
Reposted byAvatar LOWρUF🥥
For all those on the path of Hurricane Beryl, Project 2025 would eliminate the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
If the trending topic on twitter is ever "weaponized unreality", treat that like being invaded by aliens. It's actually more dangerous than being invaded by aliens
Yes I am appropriating the techniques of the most evil people I've encountered. I'd be gentle if we have time. I think Harris wins and we are fine. If she loses, I want the right staring down the barrel of a gun
If you understand 1) weaponized unreality 2) dialectics 3) historical materialism You should realize that we need to find a way to crush the right in a high temp environment. We do that and prove it works. Then we crank the thermostat and walk away