
Itā€™s a real problem that the heads of MAJOR UNIVERSITIES canā€™t tell the difference between a bad faith and a good faith argument. Thatā€™s the greatest condemnation of American higher education I can think of.
Dear University Presidents: They are coming for you. They donā€™t care if you give in to every single demand, roll over and play dead. They are coming for you. Stop treating this like a good faith inquiry from civic minded leaders. Itā€™s a hit job.
99% of their job is fundraising
Makes it even worse if you canā€™t tell when people are making a false promise to ya.
They're not there to be educators. They're there to run a business that masquerades as educational. It's like how Macho Man Randy Savage (RIP) was more of an athletic actor than a competitive athlete.
Leadership - in America - is a toe-deep talent pool.
These administrators, should be fellow academics who have worked in colleges and universities for a decent period of time, not the pieces of shit that currently run them.
Oh they can tell the difference. They would just rather keep the loudmouth big donors happy
Problematic? Hell yes. Surprising? Hell the fuck no.
Watching Stefanik grill Shafik is infuriating. There was a clip on the news and ooooh. šŸ˜”
There are several crisis in authority and one is not being able to deal with hecklers and arsonists who have no intention in ā€œplaying by the rulesā€
Way up there seems high-minded, of a sort.
They donā€™t understand that the call is coming from inside the house
Never underestimate the power of motivated reasoning. Especially if it is the only kind of reasoning that a person has any kind of practice or experience with.
or more likely, they can tell the difference but for some reason choose not to care.