
Why? Because you want someone else to run? What about the actual voters (nor donors, journalists, and pundits, but the millions who voted FOR Biden)? Why do you believe they no longer matter? Have you joined MAGA in believing only "certain" people should have a say in who runs things??
That’s a bad take. There are also millions of us voters who voted against Trump, not for Biden and what we fear is Trump returning to power and the best way to prevent that is someone else in the top of the ticket. Biden will loose, someone else will at least have a chance.
Who voted "against Trump" in the Dem primary?
me. my vote for Biden in the 2024 primary was a vote for "a candidate who is up to the job of defeating Trump and then being president for 4 more years." I believed that at the time. I no longer do and want him to step down.
Well, you're in the minority, 66% of Dem voters don't want Biden to step down. So why should we override the Popular Will?
according to one poll from 6 days ago, I am in the minority of Dems, though the majority of independents already agreed with me in that poll. a majority of Dems in that poll also agreed with me that Biden is too old. minds may continue to change about this as people evaluate btw now and convention.
Democrats are professional pants pissers. Every. Fucking. Cycle. It's the same old fear and loathing.
I'm sure calling us bedwetters and pants pissers will convince us we're not seeing what we're seeing. great strategy. 👍
No. It won't. But history and evidence also doesn't seem to work. And your "strategy" seems to involve a TBD candidate who will unite the party. It's called magical thinking.
her name is kamala harris. she is the vice president. it is her job to be ready to replace joe biden.
and the "magic" is: biden releases his delegates and endorses her. she wins with no drama on the first ballot at the convention. not hard.
.... you've assumed she'll be nominated and she'll win. Maybe. But why do you think that she'll united the party and independents?
it's hilarious that you think this is relevant to what we were talking about. I myself would obviously vote for Joe Biden vs. Trump in November, I'm in that 86%. That's not the question.
If the question isn't "will voters vote for him", then what *is* the question?
the question in the poll you and I were both just citing, and already discussed yesterday? "should Biden drop out." incredibly weird that you are playing dumb about this.
But *why* should he drop out if the majority of Dem voters do not want him to and the *overwhelming* majority of voters will still vote for him?