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Democrats have forgotten how to do politics. We have to do it for them.

Now actively blocking the "replace him" pants pissers.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
I'm surprised they haven't proposed asking ChatGPT to produce the perfect candidate
Reposted byAvatar Inception
I dunno, all plans to replace a successful incumbent President AFTER he won the primary because of a media-fueled panic over a single bad debate performance seem equally dumb to me, tbh.
Ooh look! The plan that cits out all the actual voters from choosing a nominee. Because you save democracy by not participating in it!
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
Reposted byAvatar Inception
Man i have been saying for a minute that voters everywhere are rejecting fascist shit and it’s only the media that makes us think otherwise, but it’s nice to see that in play right now
Reposted byAvatar Inception
"The country would be captivated" gives away the game that this was, in part, from a venture capitalist.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
Reposted byAvatar Inception
For us older folk, this smells similar to the Monica Lewinsky story ... the media desperately wanted the scandal/resignation and the voting public thought the media should go ahead and fuck off.
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
These mistakes originalist justices are making aren’t about disputed interpretations of history, with evidence on both sides. They’re pulling quotes out of context to attribute ideas to founding figures that those figures adamantly opposed. (via
The Supreme Court's Dubious Use of History in Department of State v. Justice Amy Coney Barrett's majority opinion includes significant errors, and violates some of her own precepts against excessive reliance on questionable history.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
One group of people who is not coming out of this looking any good is the New York/DC media elite. Times/New Yorker/WaPo writers are outing themselves as out of touch elitists who think of politics as just a bit of fun - let them eat Trump.
This. The media is not talking to people who are not wealthy or well-connected. They are completely in their own bubble, and they mistake that bubble for reality.
Watching the entire "should Biden step down" discussion play out completely among donors and insiders is an incredibly bleak illustration of how absent the working class base of the Democratic Party is from its power center. We can fix that.
The Hole at the Heart of the Democratic Labor needs to fill the vacuum. Or else.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
anyway, bluesky is absolutely not ready and not prepared for the flood of authoritarian-funded trolls that are already beginning to flood it, so, you know, block early, block often.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
Thanks to the great Rebecca Solnit for stating what countless millions have been thinking over the past ten days of mass insanity gripping the pundit class:
Reposted byAvatar Inception
Seems like there should be a national conversation about whether the GOP should be nominating a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist and a guy whose led his party into three electoral drubbings. But nope, press don’t want that.
Nothing more true has ever been written anywhere.
If you grew up on the west coast, I think you never quite grow accustomed to the east coast thing where every neighborhood sounds like it’s having a moderately disorganized battle each evening for a week around the 4th of July.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
He should have done events. Oh okay, he did events, but he should do them without a prompter. Oh okay, he did some of them without a prompter, but he needs to take questions in the form I specify. There is not going to be any end to this series because you’re not inclined to be persuaded.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
Not a perfect comparison, and I’ve deliberately omitted the period when pandemic composition effects distorted the numbers. But 14 years of Conservative rule have been associated with stagnant real wages and severe deterioration of public services. This was a well-earned rout
Reposted byAvatar Inception
I put together a 🧵 on Biden's speech in Madison that you can check out from the link below, no Threads account required It was a very strong showing, though it certainly won't be enough to silence the discussion about whether he should stay in the race.
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Quick 🧵 on Biden's speech in Madison On the debate: "Can't say it was my best performance. Ever since then, there's been a lot of speculation ... well here's my answer: I'm gonna run and I'm gonna...
Reposted byAvatar Inception
Reposted byAvatar Inception
Jesus Christ I really hate dems sometimes. We could just sweep some shit under the rug and unite behind a not ideal candidate (which is also the incumbent) but no now we have to find a better one??? Did no one consider this in 2020? I feel like a fucking crazy person.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
A John Wick movie where he goes around assassinating people whose fireworks are upsetting the local dogs.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
It’s interesting to observe how leftists who have spent years minimizing threat posed by Trump (bc they’ve been too busy shitting on Biden) are now pretending to be singularly focused on beating Trump (by pushing out Biden). Color me skeptical that they’d happily support Harris.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
How The British Elections Were A Referendum On Joe Biden's Age
Reposted byAvatar Inception
I don’t know how to explain to our nation’s top editorial boards that the Democratic Party is an actual organization with a lot of rules and history to it, not just a store that distributes team jerseys, and it has already selected delegates to its nominating convention.
Cannot emphasize enough how pathetic these editorial boards are revealing themselves to be.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
Would a statement from the “White House physician” that Biden is perhaps the healthiest president in history, and that he’s built like a linebacker do the trick? And would you not then elect that physician to Congress? No? I don’t get it.
Reposted byAvatar Inception
Trump: Biden has to be in bed by 8pm but I promise to America I will sleep 3 hours a night in order to fit in the amount of raping stealing and murdering we need to get done to fix this country NYT : Trump promises a robust presidential ambition