Alex S. Vitale

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Alex S. Vitale

Professor of Sociology at Brooklyn College and CUNY Graduate Center. Coordinator Policing and Social Justice Project. Author The End of Policing.
I have some quotes in this.
You'd think something as basic as NYPD clearance rates—how often the cops actually make an arrest for a reported crime— would be easy to come by, especially since it's legally required to post quarterly reports. And yet...
Is the NYPD Solving Crimes? Who Knows—Their Last Published Clearance Data Is From 2022 - Hell City law requires the NYPD to report its clearance rates quarterly. Under the Adams administration, it just…stopped.
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"This Hell Gate reporter witnessed one student pleading with three Strategic Security Corp guards to let her enter campus to take her last final. The security officers told her that her ID had expired, as a look of desperation swept across her face."
Scenes From a Public University Now Occupied by a Private Security Company - Hell "It feels like admin really cares more about keeping some sort of appearance of order up, rather than actually caring about listening to what their students have to say."
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Remember that issue on Crime and Punishment with Minneapolis PD Chief O'Hara and others? Well + I both have comments on it in this month's issue:
I'll be in San Antonio next week.
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in NYC
If anyone has a space willing to host a small exhibition in 2025, please let me know. I am in the beginning stages of a small exhibition about the violence of police.
Excited to be in PDX starting tomorrow.
Libraries rule!
Public libraries are the absolute best. I had never downloaded an audiobook before and couldn’t even remember if I had Libby set up on my phone or not. I checked for this book on a whim and three minutes later I was already listening to it…
Great meeting with the High Risk Interventionists at Newark Community Street Team today.
Closing out a long day in LA after a visit to Claremont McKenna and an event in Lancaster w Cancel The Contract. 5 hours of driving.
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Check out our February Newsletter w book recs and updates on border policing, Police free schools, and anti-violence work in Newark.
February Policing and Social Justice Project
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Happy to provide a cover blurb for this: "Required reading for anyone who thinks we can fix American policing with more training."
Happy to provide a cover blurb for this: "Required reading for anyone who thinks we can fix American policing with more training."
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New from me: Here's the second part of my three-part series looking at how Coleman Hughes, Bari Weiss's Free Press, and a propagandistic documentary attempt to retroactively exonerate Derek Chauvin.
The retconning of George Floyd, part two: the Breaking down the lies, deception, and misdirection Derek Chauvin's defenders use to claim that the forensic evidence vindicates him
I'll be visiting Portland, OR March 7-9.
Check out our February Newsletter w book recs and updates on border policing, Police free schools, and anti-violence work in Newark.
February Policing and Social Justice Project
End of feed.