
One thing that I don't think has really been internalized by enough folks is that /any/ direct citizen-police confrontation is dangerous, and in the US, due to gun and police issues, can be very dangerous or deadly. Calling in cops doesn't mean someone /will/ die. But it does mean someone /might/.
If you're president of a university and there's a protest you don't like, do you call the cops? Look. Put aside the first amendment stuff. That's great. It matters later. It's not the important thing in the instant: what matters is you're creating a situation that is actively dangerous for students
And for what? For a rule? Who gives a shit? Boo-fuckety-hoo. If the protest is peaceful--and to be clear, the conversation becomes less clear-cut very quickly if it is not--then why are you putting students at risk to punish their defiance? That's putting your feelings ahead of their safety
I wonder whether some of this is driven by a concern about future protests and viewpoint discrimination. If they allow these protestors to stay and then a bunch of Proud-Boys-aligned students set up next, I assume the school has to treat them to same way if their protest behavior is the same.
But many of these campuses have had right wing protests that they...actively protected.
Protests that violated campus rules in a similar way? I think that's the key question. If you have rules but enforce them in a viewpoint discriminatory way, that's a 1A violation. (Though Columbia doesn't have to adhere to 1A, obviously.)
So maybe I just answered my own question! Columbia could simply decide to enforce the rules against a future Proud Boys protest but not against this one. A public university couldn't.
I also suspect they’re worried about several things at once: -general safety (avoiding a mass shooting, assaults, etc) -avoiding other bad conduct in the campsite -defending against hostile environment discrimination claims
I think they’re worried about two things: 1. Donors 2. House Republicans
😂 I should have remembered that any list of university admin concerns always starts with 1. Donors
This remains the most accurate summary I’ve seen yet
Fearful Kermit is perfect there