
I’m going to the Ukraine demonstration outside of Norway’s parliament today at 12, with my son. Would love it if any of you #fellas in Oslo want to join me. If you haven’t been to these yet, it’s quite heart warming. Feels good to support these Ukrainians who have been demonstrating for 863 days
A bit short notice - will try to make it! Thanks, friend!
I saw it only a few seconds before quoting it.
I'm too late to get into the city and get to parliament in time, but I'm now following the account to maybe get the next one.
Yeah sorry I was late posting. But I’ve got great news for you: They protest daily. At 5 PM every weekday. 12 on the weekends. They have a lot of fun at these rallies. I didn’t join them on the last part today, where they march to the terrorist embassy and ridicule them. See Facebook: OsloProtest