Sarcastic Small

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Sarcastic Small

Eppur si muove! -and yet it moves. Something Galileo probably never said, but what a beautiful retort in defiance of religious oppression it would have been.
Not just content going after trans kids. Stock and her ilk are trying to stop anyone transitioning before 25 or possibly later. Having to wait until 25 to transition would have killed me. At best this is torture.
Reminder that this woman has no medical expertise, no expertise on trans people and as far as I know, no qualifications in counselling
This is super important work. And it looks like it's actually having an effect. Normal people learn about Project 2025 and are scared as shitless as they should be. The Nation, The New Republic, Rolling Stone, Boston Review and others are doing the work that NYT and WaPo are neglecting.
We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this.
Det er nok litt for mye å be om, men i stedet for at Medvedev er dritings og roper atomkrig og russofobi døgnet rundt, så KUNNE han jo grubla litt på hvorfor så mange naboland rømte rett til NATO etter at Sovjet ble oppløst 😏
The US added 1.2Million EVs to the grid last year & electricity use dropped due to inc. efficiency. Grid stability will increase further when V2grid charging is deployed at scale. 🧪🔌💡
The US Added 1.2 Million EVs To The Grid Last Year, & Electricity Use Went Down - With over 1 million new EVs plugging into garage outlets, home charging stations, and Superchargers, you’d think our electricity usage would have shot up dramatically. You’d be wrong.
Behind paywall/register req, unfortunately. "The perceived justness of one’s cause is distinct from the legality of how one fights. International humanitarian law makes clear that no cause justifies war crimes—including war crimes committed by the other side."
Crimes of War in Gaza | Kenneth Civilians in Gaza are in grave danger from Israel's disregard for international law.
Shout out today and every day to all the trans folks that aren’t able to be out yet. Your reasons are your own and your timeline does not need to be justified. We are not any less trans or any less valid! 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
Avatar We too attended the Oslo rally - the NAFO way. 😉
We’re having a great turnout at the rally in Norway. Joining the fellas are, and
På denne tiden for 40 år siden forberedte a-ha og Warner Music utgivelsen av den første versjonen av Take On Me (19.10.1984). Her er musikkvideoen, ikke den samme som slo gjennom året etter. Tenk om de hadde bestemt seg for å ikke lage noe bedre?
A-HA Take On Me 1984 A-HA Take On Me 1984 Version
Denne har gått flere runder, men fortjener en til:
Folk som lager matblogger/oppskrifter på nett er verdens mest tålmodige mennesker. *poster bilde av en sjokoladekake med oppskrift* -kommentarfeltet:
His quote on this included an “I wish them the best luck” in there, and I thinks this may be one of the most important parts of his statement.
Then God said, ‘Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and sacrifice him as a burnt offering.’ Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called out, ‘LOL JK.’ And Isaac was all like, ‘WTF?’ - Genesis 22:2-12
Yeah sorry I was late posting. But I’ve got great news for you: They protest daily. At 5 PM every weekday. 12 on the weekends. They have a lot of fun at these rallies. I didn’t join them on the last part today, where they march to the terrorist embassy and ridicule them. See Facebook: OsloProtest
Merkelig hvordan pubertetsblokkere bare er eksperimentell når det er transbarn som får det, men ikke når cis-barn får det for å unngå for tidlig pubertet 🫠 Og når det er medisiner som har blitt brukt siden 70-tallet, finnes det mer enn nok dokumentasjon til at det ikke kan kalles eksperimentell.
Mhm! En annen ting er at Riksen hadde null skrupler med å tvangssterilisere transpersoner frem til 2016, men nå er de plutselig fryktelig bekymret for fertiliteten til de som får pubertetsblokkere 🤷‍♀️
Alle merka. Verden merka. Norge merka. Og så er det også det at sist var ikke Trump eller folka rundt ham egentlig forberedt på at de kom til å vinne. Det gjorde at konsekvensene ble langt mindre enn de kunne blitt. Denne gangen er de _veldig_ godt forberedt.
Det er helt greit at nyhetene prøver å de-eskalere krisemaksimeringa angående valget, men jeg får fnatt når norske Amerika-eksperter sier at «nesten ingen merka noen endring forrige gang Trump var president». Jo, det var mange som merka det, vi bare bryr oss ikke særlig om dem.
Jeg så dette innslaget på tv i går, men ble for sint og opprørt til å poste noe om det Det jeg er mest sint på er NRK, som tydeligvis ikke har noe imot å diskutere om vi kan sidestille en sårbar gruppe med barn med å være "lobotomerte" Det er det dehumaniserende nivået NRK legger diskursen på
Hva faen i helvete. Kan man bare påstå hva.. jada. Man kan det. Rundt trans så kan man det. Og mediene elsker det. Hvorfor stoppe der? Trans er vår tids svartedauden.... eller.. kjønnsmangfold er vår tids Blucher.
Det er en riktig ekkel type «samfunnsdebatt» å kritisere en karrierekvinne (men merkelig nok ikke hennes idrettskarriere-kjæreste) for at hun (ikke de) ikke har barn. Også Simon Velle får her et velrettet spark på leggen. Dropp denne debatten! (1/2)
Meninger: Et usmakelig angrep på Taylor Swift og alle andre barnlø Kvinne bli ved ditt nest.
Far too many cis people have opinions on "the trans issue" BECAUSE they don't know any trans people. Trans people are just people. Trans kids are just kids. They're being abandoned and some of them will lose their lives as a result. Please share the linked news article. Thanks.
Naturally, they didn’t get much media attention outside of the LGBT press, even though every fucking tweet JKR posts gets an article written about it. But you can help spread the word. Tell your friends:
Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third Stonewall co-founder Lisa Power reacts: “It’s good to see young people taking direct action against injustice” The post Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third day ...
I was a bit enthusiastic on DeadBird, and now I can't decide whether I had success in getting a post's visibility limited because I used a non-slur "slur" about people like myself, or because I gave my opinion about the owner of the place, the reason for its shittiness.
Francie is here with a BLEP vs. MLEM tutorial. A blep is when the tongue is just hanging out at rest, stationary. Mlem is an action word for when the tongue is performing a licking motion - hence the name which is an onomatopoetic interpretation of the sound it makes.
If you think you know what Biden or the democrats should do right now, no you don’t. You have an opinion. Congratulations, everyone has opinions. Go pet a dog.
En beseirer ikke palestinernes fortvilelse, raseri og vilje til motstand, ved å drepe deres barn. Nevner det bare.
Amid a push for reforms in the Defense Ministry, Maryna Bezrukova took the reins of the ministry’s Defense Procurement Agency (DPA) this January. Now she is in charge of purchasing weapons and ammunition for Ukraine’s military.
Old guard pushback continues to haunt Ukraine’s arms procurement Maryna Bezrukova immediately knew she was upsetting murky and powerful forces in Ukraine’s arms trade. Amid a push for reforms in the Defense Ministry, Bezrukova took the reins of the ministry’s Defe...