
This is useful! Post it on your parents Facebook feed! I'm serious. This is the kind of shit they'll share!
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
When MAGA gets their hands on this, they will be retw/skeeting this with with the requisite "inject this into my veins" commentary.
Most I've seen is "Trump said he never saw that, and denounces it, so this is not Trump". Yea, I know, it will end like how tough Trump was with Putin - and how good Putin is so we shouldn't be tough on him.
His quote on this included an “I wish them the best luck” in there, and I thinks this may be one of the most important parts of his statement.
it's like when chris farley played newt gingrich, and that television lady wouldn't leave his mom alone