
obsessed w figuring out who traumatized the prototypical suburban man who can’t sleep past seven and makes it everyone else’s problem at nine am on the dot
I'm having that dilemma right now, because we're 5 minutes from 9am, the front lawn needs to be mowed, it is currently 82 degrees outside, and I know if I wait one more hour it will go up by another 9-10 degrees... I don't want to be THAT neighbor, but I also don't want to sweat that much.
I’ll be mowing and trimming at 7:00 am this week, neighbors be damned.
My town has an 8a ordinance thank god.
Mine. 7:00 am. Plus, homeowners get dispensation for being up early. 😄
What about using a self propelled mower? They dont make noise well not more than a fan
If I ever see someone unloading an old manual reel push mower at a yard sale, I'll probably pick one up as a backup. Silent, and no fuel requirement.
After a week of fireworks I don’t really care.
Oh yeah thats fine. Im just in favor of beating the heat if you can and had reasonable neighbors in regards to fireworks. I have one i bought off a neighbor and i plan on using it to mow in the dark/very very early am.
throw wildflower mix on it and be free of your lawn duties, i release you 💫