
Compact was a joint project of some “anti-woke” socialists and some “anti-woke” nationalists and so it comes as quite a surprise to learn that one of their senior editors has been exposed as a National Socialist.
no part of this is not absolutely hilarious
That train is never late! Once you hop on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Express, it only stops at Full Hitler Station.
My personal prediction is that by the end of the decade, popu-left sentiment will have mutated to fully-white-supremacist form.
I think that there’s honestly a substantial divide in the left between people who actually joined out of either a sense of justice or because of personal identity based marginalizations, and people who actually just want authoritarianism but if a left way, and it’s going to be ugly
Look at what color the latter are, and how many more of them there are, and then look at the massive institutional weakness to entryism; it ain't a pretty picture.
This is why I have “moved right,” *basically*. Like a few of my opinions changed when I switched from Theoretically a Commie to Biden Dem, but *really* it’s that I don’t trust the motives of people offering idealistic solutions they know aren’t realistic over boring institutionalists
This is also why I got tired of being mocked for my strategic voting and just gave up on disorganized anarchist politics; it was largely a debating society focused on disinterest in getting or wielding power, and I wanted real things, so I went where real shit was on offer.
The other problem is that the ethical standards of any actually-existing group I could have joined were somewhere below the high moral tone set by your average ethnic militia in central Africa, and that doesn't appeal to me.
Yeah, it's a truism that no anarchist group can exist past the horizon where everyone has slept with everyone else. Many such cases.
Even if all the sleeping-with was consensual, and I have some bad news on that front as well
ADMITTEDLY I have to admit that I cannot justify my staunch support of the US Democratic Party based on its demonstrated aptitude in my lifetime for avoiding genuinely dubiously moral scandals about its leaders personal conduct
On the other hand, given that we produce about five Lewinsky level scandals a week about random people who post things about their life on the internet per week, and several dozen more about various celebrities we used to admire, I cannot say the left of Bluesky wins either. Both sides, truly
If the options are all compromised, I have a preference for procedural competence in exchange.
Yes, I don’t think Bluesky Ken Starr is any better than Real Ken Starr