ellie lockhart (she/they)

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ellie lockhart (she/they)


programmer living in Seattle (posts never represent my employer). Transfeminine person (she/they), liberal, autistic. RTs not endorsements. DM for contact info on Discord/etc. Literally here to make friends.
It's a truism in US poll analysis that even if a generic Democrat polls well against Trump, there's no such thing as a generic Democrat and every actually existing candidate comes with baggage. But in the UK they somehow found the world's most generic Labour PM candidate and absolutely cleaned up.
like have the NYT, among others, considered that if they want to write dramas in which a leader has to step down because his mind is crumbling, instead of wishcasting it into reality they could write a respectable 14 volume series called A Tale of Swords and Battle Stabs like we did in the old days
the subtext of my periodic “i’m going to post the most cringe thing imaginable about how Biden should just do something physically impossible like a fantasy protagonist” is at least partially “i think for some people politics is a special interest they have because they’re too cool to like D&D”
Many, many white 'leftists' are just centrists with a bad case of the human zoomies who picked the wrong outlet. This isn't _limited_ to whites, either, but it's a lot more significant given the average complexion of American left politics trending much whiter than the population average.
(But Mr. Cat, are you not a glows-blue-under-fluorescent-light white fellow yourself? Yes, but I listen attentively to people who are not, because I care more about outcomes than my vanity *and* because it has been of direct material benefit to do so.)
The hidden variable here is race, because your median white leftist is often a covert racist and open sexist anyway, and then follows that down a rabbithole of positions that only someone with no skin in the game can take.
For many people's it's always been a Cool Kids Club.
(by 'coming around' I mean 'in the last decade and a half, front-loaded', not, like, Just Now.)
I'm coming around increasingly to the idea that simple heuristics are in fact smarter than complex political theory because the simple heuristics outperform most of them and leave you brain space for other shit to live in. I love political theory, but so many people just shit pant with it.
special thanks to the drunk old dude at the sports bar shouting FASCIST! every time trump appears on the tv
Despite Bernie's losses, some DSA leaders who were deep into politics went on to work for regular Democrats. The radicals stepped in & took control of some local chapters. Their support for a river-to-the-sea Palestine drove out more people, leaving the really hardcore weirdos.
Labor had an absolute landslide victory last night. Here's why that makes it more important than ever for Joe Biden to step down.
Yeah, I wish I’d been buying DVDs up the last decade or so But now I’m wondering where I fall on that cool/insufferable line? Have I showed any of you my sweet collection of Brazilian lps from the early 70s? My Brian Eno vinyl box set? Huh? Huh? 🤣
setting aside *whatever* political bent these are coming from, in what fucking world does “sort-of landslide” explain what is happening for the reader? if you are not writing to be clearly understood, then what in the fuck are you doing?
where are the fucking editors at these papers, man? is there literally *anyone* in charge of ensuring clarity or readability?
i'm just trying to read a normal article about an election that occurred. please. that's all i want
It takes very little to cross over from 'cool media collection' to 'insufferable dork media collection' but it's always an improvement. (I need to rebuild my physical media collection. I got rid of most of it a couple moves ago.)
I mean I absolutely am an obnoxious film buff of the “I tend to like things from A23 or that end up on Criterion releases” person and wanted to be a “geurilla filmmaker” or whatever as a teenager, so, kinda I was still a lib then though, I’m just a lib who thinks camera angles are interesting
Ellie! You used to be cool! You gave all that up for Biden? 🤣 Did you have some rare punk 7”s or a sweet collection of Criterion DVDs you had to turn over or do they let you keep that kinda thing so long as you don’t display it publicly, which could mislead people about your lack of coolness?
But the therapists will tell them not to do the guillotines
I remember on here or the other place there was a post suggesting those who play the cutesy farming simulator all post guillotine memes, while the one who makes the Eyeball Gore 5000 is the nicest guy ever. This reminds of that.
step 1: go to therapy step 2: build a community garden step 3: ??? step 4: guillotines the thing is even if you agree with step 4 i have a really hard time figuring out what's supposed to go in the blank for step 3
sometimes when I go about my little tasks I imagine how funny it would be if I was only visible as a skeleton, just bones with bad posture slumming through the day
This isn't just a contemporary political freakout subskeet, its about how human's process information and how you can short circuit it. There's a reason corrupt cops demand you confess now, why offers are always about to expire in ten minutes, etc. "Why don't I get time to think this over?"
A good rule for life is that anytime someone is trying to force you to make a quick decision when you don't actually need to, that person is trying to fuck you over as hard as possible.
The point is, ladies and gentleman, that cringe is good. Cringe is right. Cringe works. Cringe clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the liberal spirit
I feel fortunate that I have never been cool (though often well ahead of the curve)
One of my least favorite… idk if fallacy is the right word, but like bad politics argument patterns from well intentioned people is when you point out that technically something isn’t a completely physically insurmountable engineering problem as a counterpoint to plausible issues with feasibility
This country never had a labor-liberal split, so it's pretty irrelevant, and we should be reflexively suspicious of the people who think we need one for aesthetic reasons.