
They get so mad when Black journalists don't genuflect with obsequious gratitude at the opportunity to work in a newsroom that tells us we are biased and overreacting to a status quo that regularly violates our very citizenship
Terrifying part of the Joe Kahn interview: He evidently thinks the NYT under Baquet overreacted to the BLM summer, but he has now righted things.
Great journalists are good listeners. A lot of newsrooms are run by the willfully deaf. Which is precisely why everything is so gaslighty and milquetoast now. But hey, at least they brought back "civility"
The Collapse of the News Industry Is Taking Its Soul Down With The decline of the media is sapping journalism of a crucial tool.
A lot of these mastheads that used to be all-male diversified with the addition of a few journalistic Margaret Thatchers but we still ain't had THAT conversation
This doesn't mean these places are incapable of doing good work, because they *do* publish admirable journalism. But there's so much they knowingly leave on the table. And I know they know b/c I was one of the ones telling them! The lazy detritus that gets pubbed is a CHOICE.
*coughs McArdle into her sleeve*
Joe Khan is a fucking sexist, racist, anti-Muslim, anti-LGBTQ bigot.
"finding our footing" by placing our feet right on the necks of BIPOC. - NYT
1000% It's a critical failure of an institution that claims it brings truth to the powerful to be so actively obtuse about its own power and how it's failing in it's purported mission, and instead railing against the powerless on behalf of the powerful.
I never trusted a rag that bloviated about socialism between the Bulgari ads.