Dan Froomkin (Presswatchers.org)

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Dan Froomkin (Presswatchers.org)


Editor of Press Watch (http://presswatchers.org) ex-Washington Post, HuffPost, Intercept. Freelancer. I afflict comfortable journalists.
Johnny McEntee, one of Trump's most loyal deputies who is in regular contact with him, is literally one of the people collecting resumes for staffers who would implement Project 2025. Shame on any journalistic outfit who takes this "truth" at face value.
Today in "Trump didn't write this, someone on his campaign staff did." I don't know if Kellyanne Conway is working for Trump these days but this feels more like her style, voice, and syntax than Trump or those posting on his behalf recently.
really great that prominent political journalists won’t just say that trump is lying and here’s why
Imagine paying someone to write these columns -- like, real money! -- on the assumption that there's an audience out there that not only *wants* to hear these pearls of wisdom but absolutely *needs* to hear them for the good of the nation. It's baffling.
Biden’s performance was stumbling and inept. But Trump’s incessant lying, refusal to answer direct questions, and general lunacy would have been the other major takeaway from the debate if the moderators had done their jobs. presswatchers.org/2024/06/cnn-...
CNN fails the nation | Press Watchpresswatchers.org Biden’s performance was inept. But Trump’s incessant lying would have been the other major takeaway from the debate if the moderators had done their jobs.
CNN should be embarrassed by their performance last night. Listening to Trump's firehose of lies and then merely saying 'Thank you, Mr. Trump' each time he told them. Not doing even a little bit of fact checking made them look pathetic.
The signal failure of the American media during the modern era has been the refusal to hold Donald Trump accountable for his behavior–and, in particular, his endless lies. That has never been more obvious than it was Thursday night. presswatchers.org/2024/06/cnn-...
CNN fails the nation | Press Watchpresswatchers.org Biden’s performance was inept. But Trump’s incessant lying would have been the other major takeaway from the debate if the moderators had done their jobs.
As Pride Month comes to an end, here's a moving package of reminiscences from thirty people, from their early thirties to their early nineties, asked by the NYT Style Magazine to share their memories of being queer, an artist, and thirty years old. I wrote the intro. www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
30 L.G.B.T.Q. Artists Look Back on the Pleasures and Pain of Being 30www.nytimes.com For Pride Month, we asked people ranging in age from 34 to 93 to share an indelible memory. Together, they offer a personal history of queer life as we know it today.
I strongly believe that the Trump era ushered in a truly horrific era of general ethical backsliding and nihilism in the US across all fronts, one that we still can’t even entirely wrap our brains around. (And Trump’s grotesquely evil approach to Covid made it even worse).
one more thing I’ll say is this also feels tied to the loss of consequences & loss of the importance of ‘reputation’. Politics have devolved so much, & this is now impacting the corporate world. Anyone that faked caring about ethics for their reputation feels like that shit doesn’t matter anymore
This is not what they ruled; they ruled than an injunction can stay in place while the case proceed through the lower courts. This headlines makes it sound like the Court vindicated the right to an emergency abortion; they did not.
Breaking news: Hospitals in Idaho that receive federal funds must allow emergency abortion care to stabilize patients even though the state strictly bans the procedure, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday, one day after the opinion was prematurely posted on its website.
Supreme Court officially allows emergency abortions in Idaho -- for nowwww.washingtonpost.com The ruling, which was prematurely posted by the high court, allows emergency abortions in Idaho to stabilize patients -- for now, while litigation continues.
This is why I've soured on "fact-checking." It's the job of media outlets to report the truth. Establishing a new media outlet and not hardening it against infiltration by people who want to use it to lie outrageously and at scale is just creating a new vector to disseminate lies.
Snopes is such horseshit. The claim that Trump was only talking about people at the Confederate statue protest when he referred to "very fine people" ignores that it was exclusively white supremacists at the statue protest.
No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'www.snopes.com Trump's remarks about the deadly Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally in 2017 remain controversial.
(Ann Telnaes/The Washington Post)
Will Lewis is profoundly damaged goods. Reposting this every day until he’s gone: presswatchers.org/2024/06/will...
it is very funny that this piece is a detailed examination of glenn youngkin’s (not particularly hard to predict) failure as governor that pivots, halfway, into arguing that he is still a rare political talent. well, if true, he wouldn’t be a lame duck with a year and some change left in his term!
What Happened to Glenn Youngkin?www.politico.com The Virginia governor seems to have lost his way, both in his state and his party.
Remember all those 2022 predictions that getting inflation down would require years of very high unemployment? Here’s where we are now (using the Cleveland Fed nowcast for May)
Remember when the most important issue was civility in politics because restaurant workers politely decline to serve Sarah Sanders and now everyone targeted by Trump or his cronies needs private security and we don’t talk about civility much anymore www.nbcnews.com/politics/don...
Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his convictionwww.nbcnews.com On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.
Imagine how low the statistic would be if you included officers whose victims were to scared to report them, officers no one was willing to prosecute; officers like the one described below, who is now considering applying for another job in law enforcement. 😬
“We in the media have failed by becoming inured to Trump’s verbal incontinence — not just the rapid-fire lies and revenge-seeking threats, but also the frightening glimpses into a mind that is, evidently, unwell,” writes Eugene Robinson wapo.st/3yRnb9O
Opinion | Is Donald Trump okay?wapo.st His story about hypothetically being electrocuted is another glimpse into a mind that is, evidently, unwell.