
yah Elon made cis a slur on Twitter. it’s one of many fucked up garbage decisions he’s made while high out of his dome on ketamine.
We can't really expect apartheid boy to have a firm grasp on what slurs are
he knew exactly what he was doing as a nazi transphobe, smirking to himself all the way.. don't besmirch ketamine like that
ketamine is in no way, shape, or form responsible for why Elon is horrible. i should clarify that. i’m mostly just annoyed such a huge asshole is wasting perfectly good ketamine.
yeah his inflamed assholery is entirely independent of (and preceded) his drug habits
if anything it’s wild to me that Elon could do so many drugs & somehow still wind up without a sense of empathy. like how has he not been at least kind of humbled by ego death?? wtf
I feel similarly about Bezos apparently experiencing no overview effect when going into space. I have to assume billionaires just don't experience/understand the world in the same way the rest of us do. If they did, they probably wouldn't be billionaires.
even the ones that aren't born sociopaths are most often raised and live in a different world than us, we're genuinely not the same kind of beings
Being a billionaire should be banned, for their own health as much as for the rest of us. I'm pretty sure it's a personality disorder and they all need therapy.