Sage 🏳️‍⚧️

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Sage 🏳️‍⚧️

Trans enby woman into tech, queer rights, and alt-text. she / they. 🔞

🎯𝗖𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: Electrolysis⚡️

Tip Jar ☕️:
that feeling where you’re so hungover you can barely conjugate words in English anymore
Yo quiero breakfast burrito and a Bloody Mary
Yeah I'm trans T rying to live my life, oh my god just leave us alone. R A N S
Wishing all French fascists a very happy loser day.
[walks into restaurant kitchen to see a shrimp frying rice] the prophecy…
they're adding Polyamory to the sims?! time to simulate bluesky on there for real
Society: hey, you should figure out what you want to be in life! Umm - what are you doing? Oh, no, no - we didn't mean anything that essential - we meant the job and money stuff! You deserve better. 💜
You could say it was a major political movement.
When the het dude gets embarrassed he’s aroused by you; call that a straight flush
There was an ancient social media quiz about which Star Wars character you were. Obviously, one of the questions was "How Force sensitive are you." One of the answers to that question was "Just enough to say 'I've got a bad feeling about this' and mean it." I think about that a lot.
the Dathomirans & the concept of non Jedi force users in Old Canon was well established long before Rogue One brought them back There's 1 group that hit Luke with a line I still think about: "the fact they made a weapon their symbol & carried it everywhere is proof the Jedi were always a failure"
yeah… as someone who previously did this accidentally as a way to cope with gender dysphoria, trying to suppress your emotions does not lead to very workable outcomes.
wow tysm katie tightpussy now i know he broke his foot. what a way to have your foot broken on camera. rip to his broken foot. 😔
“only a sith deals in absolutes” is a genuinely brilliant line because it is itself an absolute. the jedi & the sith are two different conclusions from a similar root ideology. if you’re only taught to think in fundamentalist terms, then the failure of even one concept can destroy your worldview.
Look, if you're a Coppola, you have to tell me or it's entrapment.
Wait, Jason Schwartzman is a Coppola???
A serial killer film about hot goth trans woman who lives in DC and lures conservative men into the murder box
Global warming is nbd just wear sluttier clothes problem solved
I get that my hair looks better when it's all brushed and combed but I like it when I look like a feral child pulled out of a raspberry bush
Possibly I'm just fighty because I'm stepping down Cymbalta again this week but: the number of people refusing to believe Gaiman would ever fuck his own employee on her first day of employment? Y'all are exactly why this surfaced on a blog you're using as a reason to discredit the victims.
This is what I’m loving about the Acolyte, and what I want to see in the GFFA! The Jedi are Crusaders, they’re eradicating every other approach to the Force and yeah, digression seems to incur their wrath. In that lack of flexibility, Palpatine didn’t even need Anakin, the Order was already failed.
I would love for Star Wars to have force users realize (and I think the witches already know this, but make it explicit) that the reason the Sith are so strong isn't anger or hate, but just emotion and that joy would work just as well.
if anything, the reactionary backlash from some Star Wars fans to the existence of lesbian space witches mirrors the fragility of Jedi orthodoxy. No wonder so many Jedi fell to the dark side. they were religious zealots indoctrinated from childhood to practice binary & absolutist thinking.
mr robot i’m going to become normal montage but it’s becoming a basic bitch (complimentary)
Je confirme
the L in LGBT actually stands for L'estrogen. thats french for "the estrogen"
did it hurt when you fell to the floor because i bit your achilles
Having a quote argument on social media is a bit like being one of those sports fans yelling at the TV in a bar where everyone else is just trying to hang out and enjoy a drink.
This shit is in Seine.
i love the Parisian response to their mayor announcing the day her and Macron were going to swim in The Seine to prove it was clean for the olympics. The French united to all poop in The Seine the day of & called it a "defecation flash mob". they turned the river brown. Macron rescheduled Imfao