Ash Coyote

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Ash Coyote

Trans filmmaker and youtuber | ND | Taken ❤️🧡
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Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
Designated yote space
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Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
I can't work through these fevers. Feel like I'm floating and trapped in a room with no gravity.
Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
Underr three blankets and still can't stop freezing Feels like I'm imma shiver intol my bones turn to dustt
Hey everyone send love to Dragoneer they are going through a lot rn. If you have the means consider donating to their KOFI here
Out of the hospital. It's not pneumonia. It's something worse, and they can't help me. They recommended I seek pulmonary specialists across the state, because they've never seen anything like what I have. My lungs are full of bleeding lesions, some with holes. I need a health potion and a miracle.
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I look into my eyeholes and what do I see? 🎭
Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
FurAffinity and e621 are hosted in the US. They can't afford to move to another country. Republicans nearly banned e621 earlier this year.
That cute top you think you look smashing in? Porn. Two cute gay guys holding hands? Porn. An honest and important book for girls about periods? Porn. They truly are this headfucked. "It's porn" will become the new "I smell weed in your car" that will allow them to legally destroy your life.
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You need to care about politics, because people in politics "care" about you and your right to exist. "Care" being want to destroy you, anyway.
Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
Nice! It's good to see a new project about therians. The little video is a good introduction. The history of therians first getting together on the internet and AHWW and such is interesting too. Looking forward to the documentary.
Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
A short video by Ash Coyote explaining what therians are, in case you're interested. A documentary will follow with a more in depth look on the subject. Studying lesser known aspects about the fandom can really open the mind about how the furry fandom is.
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Patchwork is looking handsome! Just need to finish the details and give him one last shave✨
Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
turns out my state is having a contest on "I Voted" sticker designs, and I would like to show you the most metal one by a middle schooler:
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Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
Awesome job Ash! Loved how Respectful to the topic you are!
Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
This video is a great resource for folks who confuse and conflate furry and therian, and you do a really great job handling the subject matter, especially regarding phantom sensations and all that! Awesome stuff!
Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
Been a little weird readjusting while my medications are being figured out. ADHD has been a bit extra, I keep forgetting to do the dishes and the laundry despite there being piles of both -_-.
And finished a new video
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I don’t know why, but you’re giving me Jurassic Park Laura Dern vibes!
Reposted byAvatar Ash Coyote
Appointment booked to get my referral... but the soonest I can get it is NEXT Monday. Heck. The good news is my fevers have tamped down a bit. Still feel like I got stepped on by a 459ft fat charizard, but... hey, we makin' progress. Maybe they'll read my note and call me early.
Working on videos today
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It's the imperfections that make us special ❤️
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