
I got a rare dog breed bingo today by meeting an Azawakh in real life. What a beautiful animal! Difficult to photograph because, like all sighthounds, they're not stellar at holding still.
Oh I haven’t seen one of these in YEARS!! Stunning! Delighted for you!!
I got a little teary, tbh. I was that kid who studied dog breed books and grew into an adult who squeals at the sight of unusual breeds. The first time I saw a Borzoi I thought I might die of glee on the spot.
(Me, autistic? Gee, why do you ask? 😂)
I grew up doing dog shows and I just adore them and I love talking to people about how great dogs are ☺️ I haven’t seen a dog breed book in years but I still have my favs rattling around up there. I love when people smarter than me tell me something new i didn’t know before! Love the autists 🤘🤘🤘
If I'm not hiding with the hosts' dogs at a party there's a good chance I'm talking at someone about dogs. What are your favourite breeds?
Well, I have my favourites that I vibe with, my favourites I love to visit but wouldn’t want to live with, and dogs I ADORE but know I wouldn’t be able to train properly lol. Boston Terriers, Poodles, and Newfoundlands (and st Bernard’s and Bernese Mountain Dogs. The gentle giants!) are my babies
A dog the size of a small horse = perfect.
[chanting excitedly] DOGS DOGS DOGS DOGS DOGS
These are my daughters
look at them they are stupid i love them with my life
Just a billion wriggles in dogs' bodies. These are my children.
ohhh 🥹 brindle might be my fav coat pattern. We had a Boston terrier called Cobb who was brindle, and my sister had a brindle boxer called Cassius (who, incidentally, was a very big and scary lookin brick shithouse with the personality of an especially affectionate mouse)