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"stay golden, you magnificent doofus" (E.W. Niedermeyer)

A rapidly declining millennial // Editor // Kvetcher // South African // Anxious thoughts-haver // (she, they, helluva gay). Avatar by AJ Roach
Reposted byAvatar NJ
Let's help. Here's a member of the Haitian diaspora. Her homeland in in the midst of overthrow by the United States. Her mother is experiencing a medical crisis that's hospitalized her, which she's providing family support for. She needs some help with her own expenses supporting her community.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
My hair has reached the length at which it becomes sentient.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Reposted byAvatar NJ
Pals it would be so rad of youse if ye bought copies of my book, WAX & WANE, either directly from me (easiest option if you're in the EU or UK) or from filthyloot.com I am...so hopelessly broke and trying to keep afloat til my maternity leave ends lol #HorrorWritersChat
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releases - filthy lootfilthyloot.com FREE SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OVER $75!!! ZINES/Chapbooks Talented Perverts Bundles T-Shirts / Misc.
My hair has reached the length at which it becomes sentient.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
15 weasels in a dog suit in their daytime jimjams.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
The rule on allegations of abuse against powerful famous men, is the default is to believe the accuser. Coming out about a powerful man is a great risk, that most abused people are not able to take on & most don't choose to do in vain. And we combat patriarchy by believing women first @wagatwe.com
The allegations against Gaiman are a good time to reiterate that adding the caveat "unless the accused is someone I admire, like or respect" to the statement "I believe women" means you don't believe women.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
The allegations against Gaiman are a good time to reiterate that adding the caveat "unless the accused is someone I admire, like or respect" to the statement "I believe women" means you don't believe women.
At that point I left and hid in my in-laws' cool, darkened house for a few hours. What a surreal, weird day.
The local high school board was a week out from voting to ban certain books (including, of course, those with LGBTQ+ themes). Those kids were incredibly brave. The next participant was a guy whose campaign bus was adorned with images of Wyoming wildlife. His slogan? "Fossil fuels now"
The local high school board was a week out from voting to ban certain books (including, of course, those with LGBTQ+ themes). Those kids were incredibly brave. The next participant was a guy whose campaign bus was adorned with images of Wyoming wildlife. His slogan? "Fossil fuels now"
There were maybe 20 people on the float, waving trans pride flags as well as the rainbow flag. Some folks on rollerskates, bopping to Britney's "Toxic", spotted the 5 visibly queer people in the crowd (me, my sweetie, our friends) and skated over to high five us.
There were maybe 20 people on the float, waving trans pride flags as well as the rainbow flag. Some folks on rollerskates, bopping to Britney's "Toxic", spotted the 5 visibly queer people in the crowd (me, my sweetie, our friends) and skated over to high five us.
The parade consisted largely of white men running for various political offices. Many had 2nd Amendment flags on the accompanying cars. There were some amazing participants from the nearby rez - women on horseback and a group of jingle-skirt dancers. And then came the baby queers.
The parade consisted largely of white men running for various political offices. Many had 2nd Amendment flags on the accompanying cars. There were some amazing participants from the nearby rez - women on horseback and a group of jingle-skirt dancers. And then came the baby queers.
Two years ago I was in a very small town in Wyoming, watching the July 4 parade on the main street (which is about 10 blocks in total). It was extremely hot and I was very overwhelmed by the whole experience.
Two years ago I was in a very small town in Wyoming, watching the July 4 parade on the main street (which is about 10 blocks in total). It was extremely hot and I was very overwhelmed by the whole experience.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
Reposted byAvatar NJ
A John Wick movie where he goes around assassinating people whose fireworks are upsetting the local dogs.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
*leaving my gun and a glass of raw milk out for Miss America*
Reposted byAvatar NJ
oh this is disgusting. using the typical "she made it up for revenge" and "she's too mentally ill to believe" BS. www.tortoisemedia.com/2024/07/03/e...
i want to say that neil gaiman being accused of sexual assault by 2 different women surprises me but it does not because men
Reposted byAvatar NJ
Reposted byAvatar NJ
If one more cunt tells me “its okay, progress is slow“ i will progress them out the fucking window
Found a Turkish Delight chocolate in my pocket that I don't remember buying. What am I, Jadis in her Alzheimers era? 🤔
Reposted byAvatar NJ
15 weasels in a dog suit in their daytime jimjams.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
Literally, this man has made his fortune writing about the myriad ways in which gods will screw things up by getting addicted to power.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
Some prophets say the world is gonna end tomorrow But others say we’ve got a week or two The paper is full of every kind of blooming horror And you sit wondering What you’re gonna do. - Maya Angelou #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀
The allegations against Gaiman are a good time to reiterate that adding the caveat "unless the accused is someone I admire, like or respect" to the statement "I believe women" means you don't believe women.
Reposted byAvatar NJ
specifically disappointed in Neil Gaiman
Reposted byAvatar NJ
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.