
When Todd Blanche resigned from the partnership of Cadwalader (average profits per equity partner ~$3m/year), he had to know that he was risking a moment like this. It now threatens to tar the rest of his career, in how he is regarded by judges. Susan Necheles did not take this oral argument.
Erica Orden's transcription: Judge Merchan to Todd Blanche: “You’re losing all credibility, I have to tell you right now,” Merchan says. “You’re losing all credibility with the court.”
The only thing I can think of is that he's planning to retire after this.
I do not think he is 50 years old, yet. He is a professional acquaintance.
I’m seeing a birth year of 1974 and American University BA 1996, Brooklyn Law School JD 2003. No Wikipedia page for him yet.
That sounds right. He is either 49 or 50 years old. His life just got worse with his client's post-hearing post on Truth Social.
He had to know DJT would be a nightmare client. I would love to be a fly on the wall when Blanche and Necheles are talking amongst themselves. “I’m not signing that! I would still like to practice after this case.” 😣