
iymi I watched the debate last night so you don’t have to, and this is the only takeaway you need.
"Who's winning the debate?" Biden. He's debating. "Who's winning the widely televised "Say Whatever You Want, Mostly About How Immigrants Suck" competition?" Well.
Last night was a shit show because Biden had a head cold. If he didn’t, we’d be talking about: 1. Trump floating the great replacement theory in a presidential debate 2. Trump saying he’ll support the election results “if they’re fair” 3. Two debate moderators who let Trump say whatever he wanted
Once again we’re stuck at “Yeah the convicted felon and repeat sex offender made offensive lies for nearly two whole hours…but the other guy is three years older.”
I still have to ask, who was all this for? Anyone who doesn't know that a convicted Felon/Rapist frontlining a fascist plan to take over the US a la the 2025 plan shouldn't be voted for isn't going to be swayed. And the ones who won't vote *against* the same are delusional.
And all of the news coverage is "Democrats panic, talk about replacing Biden" and nothing about how Trump was nonsensical and/or lying through every question.
So, a question. I've convinced a teen (who'd been hearing "but he's old" from her parents) to be excited to support Biden because if he croaks we'll get our first female president. I'm not saying it's an rebuttal that works for everyone, but... is there a reason I don't ever hear anyone mention it?
jesus christ, he had a head cold?
Head colds are an automatic disqualifier for presidency.
If the President ever gets the sniffles, the Secret Service has to take them out into the Rose Garden for an "Old Yeller". It's in the Constitution.
... the thing that makes m angry is that if you only were reading a transcript it would be an entirely different experience All Trump was was loud
I’m also willing to cut him some slack because he’s 80 and he’s gotta run this shitshow of a country. Doesn’t leave a lot of time to get prepped.
You are doing The Good Work.