
These people, including at least some members of SCOTUS, are basically prison abolitionists but only for Donald Trump.
People like this talk as if it's impossible to imagine or hope that the criminal justice system's processes successfully determine who is really guilty and who is innocent. If they really believed that, it would put their support for more punitive punishment for poor people in a different light.
The Federalist CEO Calls For Republicans to Draw Up Lists of Democrats to ‘Put in Prison’ After Trump Sean Davis, the CEO of The Federalist, reacted to Donald Trump's conviction by calling on Republicans to draw up lists of Democrats to "put in prison."
Again, these people talk as if it's impossible to imagine or hope that the criminal justice system's processes successfully determine who is really guilty and who is innocent. Prison abolition, but only for the rich and powerful.
My own take is that, yes, there are many many things about the U.S. criminal justice system that should be fixed. I'm very welcome to reform proposals, but only if they apply equally to everybody. I'm not in favor or Trump-only criminal justice reform.
Again, an argument that the entire criminal justice system is incapable of making fair decisions and needs to be scrapped. They support prison abolition, but only when the topic is Donald Trump.
It’s also telling that Trump and this blowhard don’t actually name names or particular felonies with this claim. That’s because it’s bullshit.
It's also bizarre to act as if Donald Trump, of all people, couldn't possibly be walking around doing crimes all the time.
So she wanted Hillary charged not because the evidence warranted it, but…to prove a point?
They’re accustomed to the legal system working for them (targeting “the other”) not against them. Think Trading Places.