Jonathan Bernstein

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Jonathan Bernstein

Good Politics/Bad Politics - Subscribe! Also I root for the Giants. The Making of the Presidential Candidates 2024.
What kind of illiberal lunacy is this? Think of who you don't want in power. Now imagine them enforcing this law. A society without misinformation is inherently unfree (and impossible).
Welsh government commits to making lying in politics Labour administration says ‘globally pioneering’ legislation will be brought in before next Senedd elections in 2026
If Trump knows nothing about Project 2025 he's way more out of it than Biden. (Trump is lying but he is, in fact, way more out of it than Biden, who may be in fact be too out of it to be president).
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
This is an excellent question, and the answer so far is "it depends." See this nice piece on it. To add one observation...
Hey, poli scientists. If Dems succeed in (1) self-organizing to remove successful, all-but-nominated incumbent and (2) coalescing around veep, isn’t that evidence of an effective, resilient party? It’s only been week since debate horror supplanted SOTU impressions.
It is good and normal for Joe Biden to sleep like an 81-year old, and he's a better president 6 hours a day than Trump was for the 17 minutes a day that he paid attention to anything and the other 12 hours that he was awake doing stupid crap. But still, "needs more sleep" is a disastrous message.
My 4th listening turns out to have been mostly old stuff: Louis Armstrong Los Lobos Aretha The Breeders P!nk Digital Underground Violent Femmes The Go-Go's Ramones Janelle Monáe Bob Dylan Ella
The thing that really does have me concerned about Biden is that we're a week out and he hasn't done or even scheduled three or four things like this. A year ago he was clearly capable of doing such things.
Biden should go on Hot Ones, tbh. idk if it'd help him. I just think he should do it.
Someone with skills needed to put FDR into that picture.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
We’re watching Jaws when we get home tonight.
Jaws, obviously. Always good to watch the Great McGinty, too. A history movie, like Blazing Saddles? An immigration saga, like Night at the Opera? I also feel like a movie about how awful the hereditary aristocracy is would be appropriate, so maybe the 1937 Prince and the Pauper with Errol Flynn?
I see Turner is showing The Music Man today, which is excellent...What else is on y'all's viewing list for the 4th? The Godfather? Do the Right Thing? Kane? American Graffiti? Bill & Ted? That DS9 scene where Quark and Garak talk about root beer?
As a constitutional scholar, I am well aware of the serious headwinds and challenges facing the US on the nation's birthday. It will be bad, whatever happens in the Fall elections. But I also know enough US history that resistance is not futile and we have many historical models of it.
I can never tell if I get the balance right between patriotism and cliche in my 4th of July items but I'm glad that this year it falls on my turn to write and now I just have to figure out whether it's overkill to add an extraneous footnote about The Omega Glory.
COORDINATION is indeed the big reason—and probably the most important PoliSci concept that’s hardest for laypeople to grasp. Deciding which of several plausible candidates to run would take time and energy that the party does not have and generate bitterness that the party can’t afford.
Can't speak for others, but: If there are differences in how they would do, don't think we can guess at them. So why Harris? 1. Better vetted than any other candidate = least likely to be a disaster. 2. By far the easiest way to coordinate on the nomination and thus avoiding intraparty disaster.
Can't speak for others, but: If there are differences in how they would do, don't think we can guess at them. So why Harris? 1. Better vetted than any other candidate = least likely to be a disaster. 2. By far the easiest way to coordinate on the nomination and thus avoiding intraparty disaster.
Honest question: Do political scientists who propose a Harris nomination do so based on principles, or are there data I am unaware of that suggest she is the Democrat with the highest chance of winning against Trump? #polisci #polisky #USelections #USpolitics
I don’t want to generalize too much but the place I see the most hope right now is from those that have been fighting the hardest for the longest time. Extended doomerism can be a luxury not afforded to those who have the most to lose.
There's good reason to question whether Biden is up to the job, and if not, he shouldn't be president, let alone running for more. But otherwise? Dem certainty that he'll lose is nuts. With a bunch more polls in, 538 has him down by 2.3 pct points after a disaster week. That's bupkis!
I know that Heritage is a boogeyman right now, somewhat deserved. But as someone who has read more of their work product than pretty much anyone: this is not a well-oiled machine of an organization in 2024. They are less capable than ever at actually pulling off something like this.
I sure hope all the Dems calling for Biden to step aside have gamed out the fuckery that the Heritage Foundation is planning
Excellent item today at GP/BP continuing his interview series on ethnic politics in 2024. This one on Latino politics. Really good stuff.
Asked an historian of England, who agreed. SCOTUS rejected an historical tradition that goes back to 1689, and gave the president protections which George III did *not* have, which Washington did not want, and which anyone & everyone who had any role in writing the constitution opposed.
England's 1689 Bill of Rights a) established that the law restricted English kings & that kings' unfettered power threatened the polity; and b) formed the background for all colonial resistance to British rule from 1765 on. "Originalists" apparently reject this 334 y.o. legacy.