
No, you’ll, at best, be arrested by the secret service. More likely they’d shoot you.
the blocked post is directly ABOVE this one ⬆️
It's always interesting to see a post and the scan up to gain an understanding and find a blocked post. Was that me? Or them? It doesn't matter. It always confirms, however, that blocking does help with sanity.
He said something like if you dress like one of his cultists you could walk up to trump threateningly holding a gun.
And he was the one doing the blocking I believe.
Bottom line remains. Every time I see a blocked post, I realize that blocking is good for mental health. And I move on. (well, this time I commented)
I may or may not have made a post about it Just Im trying to make jokes about this bud Have a laugh about someone hypothetically shooting trump If we all sit around and just go on and on about how everything is bad and will never get better like Whats the point? Why get out of bed in the morning
As to why get out of bed in morning, I'm not sure. Remember, though, focus on your circle of influence not the circle of concern. When we focus on the things that we can't control much less influence we feel like we're swirling in the toilet. Focus on what you can do. Write. Protest. Vote. Run.
Thats the motto that got my family to this country in the first place Half fled the nazis, half fled the potato famine While i really dont want to continue the family tradition I am, unfortunately, not opposed to it either
Well, it's not you if I was the one that did the blocking. And if you'd done the blocking, you'd not have seen my earlier. You're coming in five by five.
No, it’s me that he’s blocked. I pointed out that anyone who walked up to trump with a gun would be arrested or shot by the secret service. Apparently he didn’t like that.
And Bluesky blocking is THOROUGH. I kind of like that in contrast to the former birdsite, but it can definitely make threads tricky to read.
I remain in favor of the current setup here. What have I heard? follow for content, reply to engage, block for sanity
It was directly above your skeet. And, I'm opposed to murder, but... (and my shot is piss poor)
Yeah, that’s the one where he says you could probably dress like you’re one of the maga crowd and walk up to trump waving a gun around. That’s what I replied to with my comment about the secret service anyway.
Nope, I see this post too. And you saw the original, unless you're switching accounts.
I saw the original, replied and then got blocked. I now can’t see his post about walking up to trump dressed as one of his cultists.