
It’s wild that Trump Is now suggesting foreign policies that even John Bolton thinks are dangerous and reckless. And by “wild” I mean “terrifying.”
I’m sure these were the same kinds of “policies” he was suggesting in the WH, but was talked down by people with some sanity. Those people likely won’t be in his next admin, if he wins in Nov.
It’s the scariest part. They actually have a transition team and strategies for implementing their policies, like a functioning campaign would. It’s like if Jaws came back, and now the shark is tracking people down with an underwater sonar.
So... Trump Tower Moscow is definitely off?
17 December 2020 All he had to do was not recognize Morocco’s claim to Western Sahara. He literally fucked up doing nothing. And he was plotting a coup.
Obama wasn't willing to say that Al-Sisi's military-backed replacement of Egypt's first legitimately democratically elected president was a coup, which would've required us to stop military aid to them, but he at least know where Egypt was.
It would give me pause if I were them -he is going to over turn their applecart before he is through