Brianna Chesser

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Brianna Chesser

Not the character of the day 🫶
This world needs more people whose entire job is asking project proponents and operators "are you sure about this?" "are you really sure about this?" "what's your proof?" "what could go wrong" "what are the back-ups and fail-safes" "where's your documentation" "what's your 50 year plan for this"
Today, I got to teach two grad students the Art of Distrusting Beryllium & Prior Workers. As people who is responsible for bad things, they need to develop both respect and Suspicious Bastard skills.
*Republicans say that if their leader is held accountable for doing crimes they will do revenge prosecutions of their political enemies* VSPs: hmmm let me stroke my chin about this NO YOU DOLT, you have your headline right there, it's "GOP openly operating by the logic of a crime syndicate"!
Remember how frustrating it was when every new Trump scandal confirming how much of a piece of garbage he is didn’t seem to move poll numbers one iota? Well now it is Democrats’ turn when it comes to Biden and age.
This guy called it
For the good of the country, Donald Trump must drop out
An early political memory came back to me this morning. A presidential campaign where age was a major factor for one candidate. At the first debate he appeared weak and doddering and pundits said it fundamentally changed the race. He won 49 states. Debates don’t matter.
But isn’t that an unfair comparison, since they don’t have the MSM or Republican $ gunning for them the same way they are Biden? All Democratic politicians start to lose popularity when they become the main grist in the conservative/MSM mill.
Guy who appears old and gets shit done. I’ll take it
What no one has mentioned is Ohio GOP tried to block Biden from even being on the ballot & it took the governor intervention to make sure he would be on (despite following all the rules) You just going to replace him & expect no GOP shenanigans Whomever replaces him might not even be on all ballots
Projection screen?
i must ask again what people think the DNC is
people want to believe that you can just swap out biden no harm no foul, but there is nothing about this system as constituted that allows that. but rather than grapple with this, the response is basically to scream “nuh uh”
bouie is literally the only person on the NYT board who is behaving and responding to the debate like a professional that has followed and covered a presidential election. i mean that seriously, i'm not being snarky.
if you actually get *paid* to write about politics for a living, screaming that the nominee has to drop out after one bad debate *in june* (and one in which the challenger did not do well, either), you are unqualified for your job and your salary
May all your dreams one day come true.
maybe I’ve just lost the plot but biden has like a 40 year history of needlessly kicking his own ass in various goofy new ways then popping out the other side giggling like the caddyshack gopher so I dunno what I’m supposed to do as far as freaking out that he’s up to it yet again
Timeline cleanse. Please add your #adorable
It's hard to explain how widespread the repercussions of overturning Chevron deference will be. Even if you narrow the scope down to tech policy, you're left wrangling a super-explainer on a friday afternoon
What SCOTUS just did to net neutrality, the right to repair, the environment, and The end of Chevron deference will touch on everything from broadband policy to climate change.
A guideline I use that has served me well is that if a lot of people who I know to be stupid are saying something a lot, it's probably wrong.
A lot of people who are freaking out about Joe Biden’s debate performance being indicative of anything other than Joe Biden not being a master debater are the same people who called Hillary Clinton over-prepared, shrill, and arrogant. Don’t listen to them and Vote Biden.
I don't know if politics discussion has always been Long Time Listener Call Ins To Sports Radio 610 but by God it's exhausting. People are just straight up doing impossible trade fantasies now
Also foolish. Spin is what matters and it's not hard to spin Biden's performance. He's a mumbly old man who was right on substance, Trump is a convicted felon, an insurrectionist, and a drooling, senile fascist who wants a national abortion ban.
Well, to take the maritime allegory one step further: in a crisis at sea, the only resources you have are the ones you brought with you. No one’s bringing you additional options, no matter how much wishful thinking you do.
Hi, actual sailor here, that’s actually the time not to panic. Panicking just gets you killed.
“Ask yourself, why does every fuckwit asshole billionaire want this obvious *loser* of a man to be President? So they can continue to fuck over every person who works for a living, because that’s what he did and he won’t stop them from doing it to you“
So you know what, yes, if you're a billionaire, you're going to vote for Mr Trump. If you're not ... why? He's going to make your life much worse. He's going to crush you. You remember how bad COVID was due to his mismanagement? How we lived indoors, fearing the next tweet? Reject it in November.
"Are you too old?" Fantastic question Jake, love the enthusiasm. You know, this country is pretty old too. I love this country. Even though it's very old and a little creaky sometimes, I love it dearly. I think it's future looks bright, and I'm proud to work for all the generations after me