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Trans. Marxist. Disabled. Adult.

🇨🇦 White settler in "Canada"

Approach me in good faith or go away.
If I'm the one acting in bad faith, call me out on it! I need to rectify that behavior

less serious account
The only "ratio" I care about is the ratio of people I love to the people who love me, and baby I'm trying to make that a 1:1 👈😎👈
Once again the people running bluesky show their willingness to protect abusers and racists over actually protecting marginalized people in any way shape or form.
Handy chart for figuring out if you can criticize other marginalized people for dickish behavior
Once again I feel the need to restate that gender politics when it comes to transgender people are not so simple as to be identical mirrors of cis gender politics.
Actually this all happened precisely because bluesky is the center of the universe and that guy really just wanted us to talk about something else
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There's going to be a wave of right wing violence coming. Take care of yourselves and your communities.
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A lot of speculation is going to fly around but 'tis all that is. Right now, regardless as to what actually happened, it likely got much more dangerous to be a member of a vulnerable community in the USA. Stay safe out there American comrades ✊
Pending further information the person who tried to shoot Trump is now my preferred candidate for President
Boosting #MutualAid
Death has passed us by countless times,yet we still breathe,our hearts heavy with pain.Each morning is a battle for survival,and we've lost so much, including parts of ourselves.Should I give up the fight when I'm utterly drained? If you can please donate to help save a life. 💔🙏🇵🇸
anyway I'm gonna go post about different shit or work on my novella more
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i'm fairly sure people are usually their most marginalised catgory first i think?
I don't even see this as an issue of where jbouie works or what his actions are. He could be a saint or a sinner for all I care. What's concerning is how immediately people will leap to the defense of big name accounts without ever stopping to ask what the criticism is.
two days later still relevant
I actually have never seen such concentrated bad faith over someone who wasn't being accused of abuse.
funny how as a marxist I always get accused of engaging in cults of personality by the same people who log on here to defend abusers and mediocre people who work at the right wing propaganda factories.
"My blorbo from my social medias got criticized I must now launch a crusade against those who slighted them" And would you like some impotent fury to go along with your self-righteous indignation?
Evergreen statement: Stop being ride or die for people to the point of ignoring the legitimate criticisms they're facing.
not looking forward to the fact that I might need a wheelchair because of how thoroughly my knees are fucked. less because I'm opposed to using one more because I know the bullshit I'm gonna have to go through to get one
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Biden: I would not have chosen Harris as my running mate if she had not been qualified to serve as president
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Biden on VP Harris- “She is qualified to be President.” Did he say that? Will have to rewind...
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Biden: “I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump if I didn’t think he could beat Trump”
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BREAKING. Biden just called Trump ‘Vice-President’
The only thing I'll ever say on queer discourse: If you're being a dick about other identities you're not helping anyone but the queerphobes In fact you should probably stop caring so much about discourse at all and just be empathetic and compassionate towards the people you are in community with
I think we should start telling liberals that insult you for not wanting to vote for their party that they seem like a right wing op to smear liberal parties as hostile and patronizing. Both because it's genuinely something right wingers could do.. and because it's funny.
They say it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees. But that forgets the fact that for some it's a matter of dying on your feet or dying on your knees.
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