
Fascinated by the way that people seem to believe they know what wins elections.
I've been a political activist since the age of sixteen and I couldn't tell you.
I feel like I can just about echolocate off the last one to the next but, even then, it’s “echolocation to like, the house” rather than “find anything more specific”.
And they’re so noisy. In England, this one is “every service the state provides is measurably worse, everyone is poorer” - that’s like, a lot to ponder and I haven’t mentioned a single political party’s positioning.
With the possible exception of passport renewal.
One thing everyone's sure *doesn't* win elections is foreign policy, which consequently hardly gets a mention. I guess that's also partly because there's little difference now between the main parties on the big issues. But in all the debate over migration, has anyone raised cuts to the ODA budget?
It is extraordinary really given there is a major war going on (which the Tories could have blamed for inflation).
But they couldn't because they are owned lock, stock and barrel by the instigator of that war.
You haven’t got a clue what you are talking about.
Well then, why won't they release the full Russia report? Lord Lebedev ring any bells? The tories are deeply, deeply corrupt, they have accepted funding and assistance from russian oligarchs since at least 2015.
Just like the Republicans on this side of the pond. The NRA got caught laundering Russian money and the guy who talked Comey into re-opening the email investigation was a Russian operative.
At least they got caught, the tory scum have been sitting on the unredacted report for years.