
One of the more interesting* phenomena on this site is people who mainline politics 18 hours a day who do not know basic things like "Biden supports a return to the pre-Dobbs status quo and gives speeches about it" *it drives me to distraction
This picture is gonna get quite a workout this year
Consuming Only Posts makes you dumber than if you read no news at all
The most exhausting thing is that all the info you could ever want is right there and in most cases, easy to find!
Like the Biden won't say abortion stuff is so tiring. You can look up all his campaign speeches, the WH publishes them all! Just ctrl + f!
I just saw someone complaing about the admin not touting rural broadband enough and I thought I'd take your advice to heart and did a Google News search and yup. They talk about it all the time.
In a way its a helpful educator. Seeing someone post and thinking "huh, is that true?" and then checking on it to learn if it is or isn't
I've learned to do this all the time. I want to see if it's true, how true, and if it's false, where it came from.