A. H.

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A. H.


Disabled writer & feminist activist. Bi 🌈. Pub. in Disability Visibility (Vintage). Passionate about social/environmental justice, experimental lit & vintage. Twitter: @a_h_reaume she/her

Web: www.ahreaume.com
Newsletter: https://tinyletter.com/areaume
Okay but who is following the Karen Read trial still. It’s got everything. Cops getting suspended without pay for looking for nudes and slurs. Other cops getting suspended with pay. A jury who acquitted on two out of three charges but a mistrial was declared regardless. And more!
Who has been following the Karen Read murder trial? It’s got everything. Cops covering for cops. Cop group chats where they search for nudes in her phone & share her private medical details. People claiming they don’t know the person who babysits their kids. Impossible physics.
How is this heading for a HUNG JURY? Everyone testified the injuries are not consistent with a car crash — even the prosecution witnesses — and the physics of the crash and body position are impossible.
Who has been following the Karen Read murder trial? It’s got everything. Cops covering for cops. Cop group chats where they search for nudes in her phone & share her private medical details. People claiming they don’t know the person who babysits their kids. Impossible physics.
For my partner’s birthday, I got him a hammock of his own. So now we have two hammocks to lie in on our balcony to watch the sunset together side by side. I’m a real romantic.
I saw someone complain on Twitter that I was so horrible to them when we interacted and so I went to go check what I said. They seemed to laugh at a thread I wrote and I politely explained something with citations and THEY deleted two of their own tweets in the exchange.
My partner was almost run over when he had right of way while walking and the person who would have been at fault yelled at him and called him an ‘idiot.’ Let me at them.
Who has been following the Karen Read murder trial? It’s got everything. Cops covering for cops. Cop group chats where they search for nudes in her phone & share her private medical details. People claiming they don’t know the person who babysits their kids. Impossible physics.
My partner just woke up to cuddle me and told me about the funniest dream. There was a giant onion in a forest. And we were partly inside it. But it was also flying above us. Then we made friends with bears, lived with them for a bit then said, “SYKE!” and ran away.
My partner and I decided to eat from separate chip bags to see who eats chips faster this week. Pick your fighter: Me? Or my partner Dr Fishface?
‘No cops at Pride’ includes all those policing who belongs at Pride.
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@ahreaume.bsky.social I'd love for you to take a look at How To Be Free, a short introduction to democratic communism that @jackalpants.bsky.social and I wrote. You can read it here for free: maryjamesauthor.wordpress.com
How To Be Freemaryjamesauthor.wordpress.com An introduction to democratic communism
⚖️ Happy first Donald Trump is a Felon Day to all who celebrate! ⚖️
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I don’t think it’s anyone’s duty to personally observe the heinous images coming out of Rafah right now but I do wish U.S. TV did fewer panel discussions debating “free speech” on college campuses and gave Americans a more honest accounting of the war crimes our government funds every single day.
There are DMs!!!! And gifs!!!! It’s like a real social media app now!!!
Someone is trying to pitch me to write for me in my day job and so he sent me an article he wrote which mentioned the company I worked for… in which he says we provide a service we absolutely do not provide. Lol. This is not going how he expected.
Putting the finishing touches on my write up for my complaint of the time I had a PTSD breakdown and even just revisiting this material makes me feel disconnected from reality like I did back then. Who needs drugs to dissociate when you have TRAUMA?
More things I texted my friends during my breakdown. My friend: Mental health check-in! Me: Can confirm. I’m mental.
Things I texted friends while having a PTSD breakdown: "I’m sorry I can’t do more. My mental health is like cheese through a grater then a wind came by and scattered it. And now it’s moldy and being eaten by giant rats."
Things I texted friends while having a PTSD breakdown: "I’m sorry I can’t do more. My mental health is like cheese through a grater then a wind came by and scattered it. And now it’s moldy and being eaten by giant rats."
Hey! I turns out I still have friends! Lol. 🥰
I wish I had friends but I had a PTSD breakdown that took me years to recover from and I kind of lost all my relationships because I didn’t have the capacity to respond to texts or see people.
I wish I had friends but I had a PTSD breakdown that took me years to recover from and I kind of lost all my relationships because I didn’t have the capacity to respond to texts or see people.
Me: You’re months past due on my invoice & my fiscal year ends soon. Can you please pay? Them: I missed your invoice! I’ll send a wire! Did you receive it? Me: No. Can you resend? Then: Here’s a screenshot of the wire. You can count that! Me: *stares in cash basis accounting*
I’m in a hotel (for work) and ordered food delivery to my room and my French fries came cold. So, I decided to try heating them up with my hair dryer… and it worked!
I am in charge of producing a video at work and it wasn't working so I got into the footage this morning and cut it around and moved it and I've magically made it work. Everyone was happy! Then I realized it followed the original structure I said it should follow and was over ruled on.
If you work remotely do you join 1-on-1s with your favorite coworkers by saying, “Helloooo” is a funny voice or are you boring?
I got in a fight with a data scientist today about whether truncation is a valid way to standardize data versus rounding. My opinion is that so long as you apply the same rules to all data in the set the deviations are pretty negligible from truncation. Thoughts?
I was giving a presentation at the all-hands in front of the whole company and my partner came home, walked past me three times because he kept forgetting things, was super noisy... and after I finished he came out of his room and scared the shit out of me. "What did you get home!!"
This happened multiple times today. #ADHD #AuDHD
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we replaced journalism and education standards with a gargantuan circle jerk of pseudo-intellectuals, propagandists, and trolls who make 50 times the average journalist salary filling the heads of young american men with pebbles and cottage cheese surely that will work out splendidly for everyone
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The authors of the dangerous Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) have amended it for 2024, and it remains a censorious and dangerous bill. We are asking everyone to demand that their representatives oppose it—even if they already have.
Don’t Fall for the Latest Changes to the Dangerous Kids Online Safetywww.eff.org The authors of the dangerous Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) unveiled an amended version this week, but it’s still an unconstitutional censorship bill that continues to empower state officials to
Couples who read Deleuze together, stay together. Thats the saying, right?