
I don’t think it’s anyone’s duty to personally observe the heinous images coming out of Rafah right now but I do wish U.S. TV did fewer panel discussions debating “free speech” on college campuses and gave Americans a more honest accounting of the war crimes our government funds every single day.
"if it bleeds, it leads ...unless the US is causing the bleeding"
I mean, that’s by design right? Shift focus from US JDAMs being dropped on children to instead tut-tut those damn woke students
My son watched a YouTube video analyzing war crimes in a transformers cartoon - committed by the heroes. Like, a random guy talking about a cartoon can clearly elucidate what constitutes a war crime, with evidence, and explain unproblematically to a child. I’m beyond done with credulous journalism.
Exactly right. All of the media discussion about the student protests are about provocateurs, broken windows, riot police, university presidents, etc and almost NONE of it is about WHY the students (later joined by faculty) are protesting.
I can say that I have personally observed a LOT of heinous images and footage in my life... but being a Palestinian American it is inevitable and it was usually forced upon me by Zionists who wanted me to suffer... so yes... this stuff is done and often shared by Zionists to break us and crush hope.
actually I think that those in power should be forced to look at it, every day. you walk into congress and sit down and here's every person dead because you're allowing this to happen. for the rest of us? hell no. you don't need to see it. stop rubbernecking. it's bad for you.
If you voted for those congress people, you absolutely should be made to look Clockwork Orange style.
I think everyone in the DC power establishment and media industry should be ziptied to a grade school desk and forced to watch these atrocities nonstop, Ludovico treatment-style.
That narrative drifted more than a month ago
The daily narrative shifted away from: We’re funding a genocide! —and over to: Is it right for college presidents to crack down? — a little too fast