
Right now I'm writing something about how Tucker Carlson's career tanked in the year since he got fired from Fox News, and man, his career... it... just... truly... tanked.
It's hard to think of how things could have gone worse for him given his starting position in April 2023 as one of the most powerful and influential people in the country.
I can’t help but feel the disastrous American Prospect suffered a similar misperception of value/weight Most GOP star are mostly Helium
Upshot: you can probably file the serial numbers off the predictions and pass it as satire! (Ok the real upshot is Tucker Carlson being irrelevant now, but why not have two?)
I feel you overestimated the number of his viewers who would make more of an effort than simply turning the channel to Fox. They want their outrage easily served up. As little effort as possible, please.
Yeah, I called this wrong too. I really thought he would be a presidential contender in 2028. My new assumption Is that Tucker's audience would watch instructional colonoscopy videos if that was what was playing in the 8:00 Fox News time slot.
I couldn't be happier with the outcome.
Who would have thought that Fox News was keeping Tucker from becoming a full on nutbar? He was never quite ok after Jon Stewart neutered him on air. Well, maybe he was never really ok.
Same thing happened to Bill O’Reilly who had (I believe?) the same time slot. Most watched dude on cable TV, most influential, etc.Then…poof, proving once again that it’s the PLATFORM, not the messenger, in terms of who gets to most successfully fill America’s dads & uncles w/ vile, racist garbage
In our family, we yell this any time something isn’t working right. Burned toast: FUCK IT WE DO IT LIVE; flat tire: FUCK IT WE DO IT LIVE; cat throws up on your bed: (you get the picture) At least we got something good out of this man’s miserable excuse for an existence.
I've been reading The Power of Now, and using this phrase every day will definitely help. (And now I got the image of Eckhart Tolle yelling that, too, which is a definite mood booster.)
That should show everyone where the true power of these networks lies: in their marketing departments
Maybe? Lord knows they marketed the hell out of them both. But i think it really just comes down to who is holding down the 8/9 EST slot on the most watched cable news net in the country. Was it promo by FOX or that they simply were ON the most watched net in the US? They were both DOA after
I think it's sort of an ourobouros of both
I don't think of Fox as a news network. It's more like a marketing network that does a little content
And in the profound and toxic personality flaws of its audience
In the words of Mr. Show, "what a collection of assholes"
Not even that; it's the specific timeslot! Even within Fox, they very deliberately pick whoever gets that timeslot to be the racist uncle bike pump.
It’s both tho. The platform enables them but without the right messenger to capture something for the Facebook uncles, it fizzles. That’s why there’s no new Tucker, because Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Waters ain’t doing it
It's so insane that he violated his enormous non-complete thing just to do this local access-level Twitter show absolutely nobody watches
Neither thoughts nor prayers for that sack of absolute ass.
The only thought I've given him is watching this video and laughing at him, I will return to not thinking about him, and that just feels great. I pray the same happens to every other right wing wind bag 😄
This is brilliant. Thanks for sharing.
I checked it out the other day, it was a great video!
Ooooooooh popcorn time 🍿