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abolish everything


Come see the violence inherent in the system.
That time that Serge Gainsbourg recorded an absolute banger of a diss track in 1967
Serge Gainsbourg - Requiem Pour Un 7" Single : Serge Gainsbourg - Requiem Pour Un Con (1968)
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On this 4th of July, ask yourself "What is a Hot Dog? And is it a sandwich?" asked 30 professors of semiotics, linguistics, ontology, psycholinguistics, information science and other pertinent disciplines to find out.
Notable Sandwiches #89: Hot Welcome back to Notable Sandwiches, the feature where I, alongside my charming and long-suffering editor David Swanson, trip merrily through the befuddling...
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happy death to america day y'all
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This 4th of July it’s important to remember that it’s not fireworks your dog is afraid of but rather the unfettered corruption of the American government
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I too like to celebrate America with anxiety attack
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Over the weekend, I found a tiny pink plastic shoe on the ground near my office. I placed it at eye level, on a wooden post, by the stairs. This morning, on that same post, was this picture.
I've gotta wonder how mad Sonia Sotomayor is at Barack Obama for letting the Republicans block him for over a year from seating another person on the court.
Sotomayor's dissent is chilling: "When [the president]...orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."
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"While there’s a strong historical precedent for a lavish excursion to Bali, the plaintiff has instead taken a more unorthodox approach and presented an all-expenses-paid diving trip off the shores of Aruba."
Clarence Thomas Torn Over Case Where Both Sides Offer Compelling Scuba WASHINGTON—Admitting that he had never been more conflicted about a ruling in his life, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was reportedly torn Monday over a case in which both sides offered compell...
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it’s actually super good to chase off users who call the people they assaulted “strangulation girl”
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My functioning democracy is one election away from fascism. Added bonus: the opposition party is barely trying and also votes don’t actually matter
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(weight/body image CW) dear rax, my boyfriend will only propose to me if i lose 10 pounds
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just read the phrase "mixed-weight relationship." think i'm gonna go stare directly into the sun until it sets, then i might wander barefoot into the woods and let whatever happens happen
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As someone who has largely just kind of hung out and vibed on here for the last year it is absolutely insane how many people went "oh I have Clout on The Tiny Twitter Knock-Off, time to abuse people and act like a feudal lord" Like Jesus christ, have one (1) normal human relationship
95% of the grated and like 100% of the shredded cheese at the grocery store is all "cellulose added to prevent caking" and I'm not gonna lie, if it's a choice between some clumps and cheese that tastes like sawdust, I'm gonna go with caking every time. Besides, cake is delicious.
I once had someone DM me from, for some reason, a fake Orlando Bloom account. I decided to play it like I honestly thought it was the real Orlando Bloom but also I wasn't that impressed and the scammer got bored SO FAST
"Oh, I know where you've been. I know what you ate... and who. Here, in the center of my panscenticon, I can... smell... everything." "Everything?" "Yes, I do have some regrets, if that's what you're getting at."
1923: leaded gasoline begins being sold in the United States. 1930:
this newspaper headline is the 1930 version of encountering an incomprehensible trending story about some Twitch streamer with 4 million followers
Oh shit, sun's coming up, time to go to sleep
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🚨REMINDER the new summer strain of covid is 1) super contagious 2) presents like a common cold (barely a sore throat, no dry cough, no fever) 3) still a long covid risk GET THE NEW VAX MASKING indoors in public & in outdoor crowds is your best defense MASKING shows you care MASKING is resistance
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Hi, #adoptee here. In my adoption file it states that my Christian adopters wanted a child with university potential. How does one determine uni potential in a new born? In 1968, it was code for white. My adopters were racist evangelicals and my adoption file proclaims it. Adoption is racist. 🥚
Reading the Wikipedia page for And Then There Were None is... a bit of a jumpscare. (I was not remotely prepared for the original title [and Wikipedia prominently featuring the cover image!], "Ten Little N–s")
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Who’s up tryna get their HOL’E POBEd?
why don't pictures like this ever trend
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oh to be a Mossy Frog, happily crouching invisible amongst forest leaves and debris
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I found your shelf babe
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Today marks 10 years since the start of the Flint Water Crisis. A decade later, kids are still sick, the city is not done replacing lead pipes and families still haven’t seen a cent from settlement funds
Flint residents grapple with water crisis a decade later: ‘If we had the energy left, we’d cry’ Years after the emergency, the Michigan city is yet to replace all lead pipes and affected families are still awaiting justice
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They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
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come mister taliban tali me banana