
genuinely, the neuralink engineers seem as though they are being *shocklingly* careless with their patients, and the comments they give to the media seem to indicate deep ignorance of the accumulated knowledge of scientists who've been experimenting with various brain implants for decades
still love the implant though
in one interview, a Neuralink rep said that the "brain moved three times more than we expected in the skull." THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE COME AS A SURPRISE TO THEM. THE MOVEMENT OF THE BRAIN INSIDE THE SKULL IS BY NO MEANS A SURPRISE TO ANATOMICAL SCIENCE!
Also, it seems worth mentioning that this solution - "embedding the leads deeper into the brain" is EXACTLY what the rest of the field has been moving away from for the last DECADE. You do not need deep brain electrodes to move a cursor on a screen!
Yeah- as someone who has actively experienced brain-interactive technology the move seems to be heavily geared towards non- or minimally invasive terminals, so when something breaks you don’t fucking die
Yeah! Because when you have a bunch of broken off leads inside of the brain, we have another word for that: SHRAPNEL.
It all just seems like deeply unethical human experimentation by people who either don’t understand that this could ruin lives or don’t care
Neuralink is literally just Theranos again. They want to fake it until they either make it, or have squirreled away enough cash for investors after over-promising something impossible. They can't rely on real experts because no real expert would be immoral enough to participate in this scam.
Hell a few furries got together and figured out how to use an EEG headband and some code to create custom inputs. Like with a few hours training they were able to control their avatar's ears in VRchat by their thoughts. This could be translated to other inputs as well.
and like they've been working on this for about 1500 dead monkeys
they died in pain, and obviously in vain, also I want the ceo to experience that