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also @symbo1ics on the bad site | @[email protected] | Black Lives Matter | Vidas Indígenas Importam | Trans Lives Matter | croissant slut | occasional politics, profanity & food posts | analog electronics | retrocomputing | coffee | typography
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im ready 2 be a person now
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Being annoying as praxis is only the first step. The second step is to gather likeminded neighbors and friends and ask each other how you can maximize your joint annoyingness. Congrats: this is called organizing, you’re building a base of your common man united on a common cause.
Gonna call Kathy Hochul today just to get some of my anger out before I go about my day
Galaxy brain moves afoot “In recent days, some company leaders and Democratic political operatives have called the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, according to someone with knowledge of the calls, to gauge his interest in replacing Mr. Biden”
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Some of the president’s past supporters want a new candidate, but they are leery of going public.
Reposted byAvatar Symbo1ics
Hmmm maybe they should stop working on it or something
“Generative AI could ‘distort collective understanding of socio-political reality or scientific consensus,’ and in many cases is already doing that,’” according to a new research paper from Google’s own DeepMind lab.
Google Says AI Could Break “While these uses of GenAI are often neither overtly malicious nor explicitly violate these tools’ content policies or terms of services, their potential for harm is significant.”
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How do i find Australian trans friends?
OK but let's hear from Reviewer 2 #music #tv
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something that isn't as common knowledge as I thought: The US arms industry is specifically designed as a system of control and entanglement, a working example of the liberal idea that countries will not go to war with their trade partners. NATO standard is is a market system.
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Reposted byAvatar Symbo1ics
um ok well you start with cooking sautéing shallots, garlic, adding cherry tomatoes, some sundried tomatoes, oregano, crushed red pepper, tomato paste, salt, freshly cracked black pepper. Add some of the pasta water, cream, finish the noodles in the sauce.
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Must be nice to have choices
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Reposted byAvatar Symbo1ics
google there is a simple solution right in front of u also u could google it and u would see the problem the simple solution would fix
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
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"Generate something factual" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN
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The story is always the same: major tech companies tell us they care about the environment to silence criticism, then never actually follow through. Google’s emissions are up ~50% in 5 years, following similar news Microsoft is also blowing past its climate commitments.
Google’s emissions climb nearly 50% in five years due to AI energy Tech giant’s goal of reducing climate footprint at risk as it grows increasingly reliant on energy-hungry data centres
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my local library system reports having 0 copies of Capital, Vol 1??
Reposted byAvatar Symbo1ics
Fantastically written, and worth taking time to read.
i am going to solve the cyberpunk discourse forever, part 2: the punks. 19,185 words on the history of punk, cyberpunk, and how it's all fake and what it means to be an artist. if you like it, please share! I could use tips to pay for my diabetic care
i am going to solve the cyberpunk discourse forever, part 2: the “Cyberpunk 2077,” they said, “isn’t really Punk. It’s a Corporate Product, made out of Corporate Greed. It completely Misses The Point of…
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touching grass isn't enough, i need a job with a living wage and a four day work week
Touching grass isn’t enough, I need to be the grass
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As my comrade Cheryl Rivera has correctly written: “There is no resistance to capitalism that has not been met with batons.” If you don't deal with policing, policing will deal with you.
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For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇
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Another timeline cleanse, because reasons.
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did anyone catch the protest-bashing line in gorsuch's homelessness decision? "It makes no difference whether the defendant is a person experiencing homelessness, on vacation, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building"
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I kneel in the direction of Google HQ chanting my mantra, "the electricity needs of AI supercede the human requirement of an inhabitable planet" outside the window a choir of Boston Dynamics robot dogs bark the national anthem
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
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Until quite recently, my phone would tell me to take a "side street" off the FDR parkway on Manhattan's East Side, to get to the Holland Tunnel. The "side street" was a fish market lane some 50 below the elevated parkway. If a phone can't get it right, I'll never trust one of Elmo's death mobiles.
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You are trusting your life to a system that thinks "well, two lines roughly that distance apart on what is not explicitly not driveable space is probabilistically a lane, so let's just lock onto that and see where it takes us" and yeah sometimes those two lines are fucking railroad tracks.