
Everyone talks about how Democrats are goody two-shoes weenies who scrupulously obey informal norms as well as laws, even to their detriment Do you really think Biden would keep a Parkinson's diagnosis secret for almost a year and just continue to run for president like normal?
Here's the NYT's homepage right now. This is a choice to emphasize drama and disorder on the the Democratic side and put all those articles near a piece that makes it seem like Republicans are 'softening' on abortion
Which billionaire stands to benefit most from this type of “reporting”?
If for no other reason than his staff can't stop stepping on rakes for 5 seconds, I think we'd have learned by now if he'd had an actual Parkinson's diagnosis
Well, I think the fact that they were working on a Parkinson's bill might account for their being there. Unlike TFG, Biden likes to know what he's talking about.
I'd feel a lot better if WH comms were concurring with this. Instead, they're saying that they don't discuss medical specialist visits for security reasons. Biden *badly* needs to shitcan some comms directors if they're gonna keep playing this game.
Stepping on...rakes, yeah, that's the ticket. I would have finished it in a less G-rated way. Still, that connotes Sideshow Bob which is always a plus. Cool handle, BTW!
Well you see on the West Wing
I grew up within walking distance of an FDR museum so kinda I don't think that's the case here and my feelings about it have more to do with ableism and leadership. But yeah I could buy it
Man I wish Dems these days had a little bit of FDR's DGAF attitude. They've been in a defensive crouch since 1980 so I don't expect much
Reagan did it with Alzheimer’s so there’s at least some recent precedent. The NYT not mentioning the Parkinson’s legislation being signed as a potential reason for the expert’s repeated visits leading up to that signing seems remarkably lazy, however.
Yeah but that was a Republican and the guy whose overwhelming victory smashed Democrats' balls. He lied about everything
he had off ramps, plenty of them. i really don’t even know how to talk about the type of person who would willingly not take them if they were as sick as being portrayed, without sounding ableist… even trump eventually had to admit to having covid.
Yes, he’s been a fine president w great accomplishments but going for the second term is nothing but hubris-tragic flaw. Prob taking down the US, possibly the whole world if the devil wins. Everyone will vote for Kamala( Ca) and Josh(Pa)
Yup. I absolutely think they would keep this secret. He’s a career politician, he’s an addict. He’s going to die in office (of natural causes) even if it means ruining the country just like RBG and Feinstein.