Cooper Lund

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Cooper Lund

Is it a crisis or a boring change?
Shoutout to the guy who just biked past drinking a Sapporo tall boy
Me, going to a baseball game with Ian the Vegan this month
i think about kowloon walled city several times a day
I would love to see the polling on this, and I would love to see attack ads from the Dems using all of the stuff Trump said at the debate to tie it back to him
Trump is trying to get ahead of the reality that he and the heritage foundation are working to destroy America and institute a fascist dictatorship. He is lying and expecting the media to gaslight America for him.
It's alarming that the people whose jobs are making decisions love bragging about how little sleep they get. If I get less than eight hours I feel like I got kicked in the head. You haven't adjusted, you've just gotten kicked in the head so many times that you don't realize it! That's very bad!
my hot take is that the president should be and live like a normal human, and so I reject the premise that the president must work 130 hour weeks and never be well-rested. he has dozens of staffers who can cover shifts!
Okay he’s Keefe now
PSA America It's Sir Keir, or (the) Prime Minister, or just the surname. It's not "Prime Minister Starmer" and--I'm begging you here--it is not "Sir Starmer" under any circumstances whatsoever. No. Bad.
I know that a DSA endorsement means a lot for campaigns because they put their whole asses into doing field work for you, but at a certain point you have to wonder if the calculus for candidates changes given how big of a liability the DSA can be
I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
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I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
Reposted byAvatar Cooper Lund
2 of the top 3 candidates for the US presidency have shown a repeated willingness to believe any conspiracy dangled in front of them like a set of keys, including wildly anti-american ones, which are straightforward cognitive deficiencies for what we should demand in a president. neither are biden.
i mean, he means he won’t take sides on the “theory” of whether the US government did 9/11 or not, but that doesn’t make this any less insane
Going out for a fine dining dinner with my mother-in-law tonight and you know what that means: Time to cram as many cheap calories as I can into my body for lunch like the red-blooded Middle American I am
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This 4th of July, take a little time to think about how the Left can try to reclaim patriotism from conservatives. Seems like the story of a country that cast off a king and fought a civil war to free the slaves is fertile ground given our present moment.
Reposted byAvatar Cooper Lund
Way back in 2021 White House economists argued that the inflation surge resembled the spike after WWII and could be ended without major pain. They were right!
And this is exactly why you don't want Mike Johnson second in line for the Presidency
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
I'm sorry but the amount of weird fan fiction I'm seeing from people who should know better about Harris is getting close to Michael Avenatti levels and that should give everyone pause
You almost certainly don’t want to ask Kendrick what he thinks of the former CA Attorney General
Reposted byAvatar Cooper Lund
yeah. and the ethical void here is just beyond description. like Petey Baker doesn't vote because that might indicate Political Bias but it's fine for the entire org to hound the president out of office in a fit of pique when the republic itself is literally on the line
It will never cease to amaze me how little business owners understand how their customers reach their business
"The roadway once carried between four and six lanes for motor vehicles, despite 88 percent of people in the area traveling on foot and squeezing into 30 percent of the space." And now Adams wants to give it back to cars?
Mayor Adams May Nix Sidewalk Expansions on Bustling Eighth Ave. - Streetsblog New York Mayor Eric Adams cast doubt on years of city efforts to give pedestrians more space to walk on overcrowded Eighth Avenue.
Had a dream about this wig last night
The shitty wig makes him look like an old, British Ryan Adams
When liberals expressed kinda bad-faith concern about Trump’s fitness and said the 25th should be invoked, conservatives laughed at them. Now when conservatives are doing basically the same thing, liberals are nodding their heads and smashing retweet. You gotta learn from your enemies!
I’m on board with the idea that Biden is too old to campaign and should be replaced as the nominee. But calling for him to resign as president is absolute fucking political suicide and I hope the left realizes that’s exactly what the right wing is gunning for right now
Reposted byAvatar Cooper Lund
I’m on board with the idea that Biden is too old to campaign and should be replaced as the nominee. But calling for him to resign as president is absolute fucking political suicide and I hope the left realizes that’s exactly what the right wing is gunning for right now
If you can make the other side start eating themselves, all kinds of incredible things are possible. That’s a solid lesson.
I’ve been doing normal American things so correct me if I’m wrong but it sure seems like Reform and the Torries are splitting a lot of votes which is why Labor is feasting? Am I wrong here?
This isn’t really in the spirit of the post but I’m still gobsmacked by the stranger who accused me of being secretly Asian
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Reposted byAvatar Cooper Lund
There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
I’ve been doing normal American things so correct me if I’m wrong but it sure seems like Reform and the Torries are splitting a lot of votes which is why Labor is feasting? Am I wrong here?
The shitty wig makes him look like an old, British Ryan Adams
bittersweet to see this Conservative member of parliament lose his seat. Michael Fabricant you may be the craziest white boy on Earth
You almost certainly don’t want to ask Kendrick what he thinks of the former CA Attorney General
kamala takes the stage as the presumptive nominee to the organ riff from “not like us.” the crowd goes wild when she says “our opponent, the certified lover boy? certified pedophile”
They put a tiny bar in this jukebox
Reposted byAvatar Cooper Lund
Decided I’m getting a linen suit for my wedding at the end of August. Time to Get Tan.
One of the keys to understanding the GOP in the present day is that they’re all watching incredibly weird porno and believe everyone else is too