
One of my anxieties at the moment is the fear that some right wing Trumpite group will stage a mass casualty terrorist attack. Actually had a fucken dream about this recently.
I seriously doubt there’s going to be an actual civil war, but I wouldn’t put it past these cowardly fuckers to stage an attack against people who aren’t expecting it.
I wouldn't put it past them. Right now I think they are elated bc they believe they are "winning" but once they feel they may lose - anything can happen.😑 Too many close calls lately but mainly from lone wolves.
I’m concerned about what kind of fuckery they’ll pull at polling places
They wouldn't have the stones to attack people who ARE expecting it.
I was surprised we got through June TBH
On twitter a couple of years ago David roberts was talking about the extreme polarization in this country and whether it could lead to civil war and I asked how a civil war would play out. He suggested it would be pretty much exactly what you described, sporadic acts of violence.
It’s a reasonable fear, but right now they think they are winning, and why not wait until the state does their dirty work for them?