
No, they are not. We can beat Trump by getting behind a single candidate. If Biden does not step aside, it will be Biden. There is no reason why Joe Biden can't beat Donald Trump, if everyone gets behind him. The DNC rules make it virtually impossible to replace Biden unless he steps aside.
"There is no reason why Joe Biden can't beat Donald Trump, if everyone gets behind him." Undecided voters in swing states deciding Biden is too old to run the country and lying about his status would be a reason.
Your example elides the “if everyone gets behind him” bit. If the left fractures and squabbles instead of keeping our focus on the truly important thing - beating Yrump - we’ll learn, yet drearily again, that disunity is death. Priorities. At least the French know this.
The left is fracturing and squabbling because the center is making incredibly stupid decisions in derogation of their obligation to defeat fascism. You are not going to be successful by yelling harder. You need to make better choices.
And Mitchell shows us the exact hoops the DNC would have to jump through in this situation and explains why, miracles aside, they’re not feasible. So let’s put on our big adult pants and vote to keep out fascism eh?
To be REALLY clear, if Biden would step aside, I would support his replacement, no matter who it was. But (and this is the really important part), there is NO mechanism that I am aware of that can make Biden step aside. Nobody else has identified one. If he chooses to remain, we support him!
He’s calling a bunch of bluffs here. Sen. Warner backed off, only a handful of House members spoke out and they’re still fundraising a ton, so the megadonor push fizzled. He’s making it hyper clear he’s not stepping down and it’s 100% his decision.
And as I understand it despite the NYT’s shrieking campaign Biden’s trending upwards in the electorates that count. The electorates that aren’t on Bluesky to be frank.
No one is claiming that a minor social media site is representative of any voting constituency.
And nor it seems does he NYT. Makes you think.
It's the paper of record for most liberal politicians and a ton of donors.
I honestly think you’re making my point here for me.
Not every response to a post is disagreement
Okay now I’m lost so we’ll leave this here, be well.