
The goal here is to get “Trump fights demands to step down over criminal conviction” as the top headline and chyron on every news site. Taunting him from campaign-side social media accounts will never achieve that ever, in a million years
But if Dems did official-side statements calling for him to step down, citing the integrity of the constitutional system and the fully half of Americans who don’t think he should be running, and kept at it for a while, you actually could get those headlines
Why should we let backlash cool for a week or more before we make the common-sense demand that the felon be taken off the ticket? Is that something we really need to focus group? Are we really that out of touch?
I really think we’ll see that, it just takes more than 4 days to happen.
I'd imagine it's like turning a cruise ship, there's a lot of momentum that's taken time to build up in a certain direction for messaging and it simply takes time to change direction. I don't think anyone's waiting for a focus group to give the all clear.
I think this isn’t wrong but there’s also no one steering. They just get pushed by vibes on social media. Which is why it’s important to be manically critical in this precise moment
it's a mark against them that with ample notice that this might happen they nonetheless had no messaging plan in place. similar to dobbs in that respect.
Yeah Dems’ lack of a plan for Trump’s conviction was itself so predictable that I actually tried to raise the alarm about it based on nothing but my previous experience with the party
right, they should have had a media blitz ready to go for either verdict, being caught flat-footed by something they knew was coming is unacceptable they have another crack on July 11 - regardless of the sentence, they need to have a plan ready to go
Yeah that is a very fair critique and there's really no excuse for not having a plan for that.
it's also (and for similar reasons) a mark against them that I continue getting fundraising emails with james carville's name on them