
I've been at the forefront of the resurgence of the court expansion effort for five years* and I can assure everyone that a necessary predicate is electing Democrats to the White House and Congress. If anyone is confused about that ... stop. * Go follow
One thing that makes me nervous about the resurgence of the court-packing talk is that it's not paired with "but first you absolutely must vote for Biden." Like, sorry, that's the literal bare minimum that is required if you want to have this conversation.
While I'm at it I will add that expanding & rebalancing the Court is not the only necessary Court reform, it *is* the one that would immediately disempower the right-wing authoritarians who have seized control of SCOTUS and who would block any other meaningful reforms.
I've been at the forefront of the resurgence of the court expansion effort for five years* and I can assure everyone that a necessary predicate is electing Democrats to the White House and Congress. If anyone is confused about that ... stop. * Go follow
There's a simple and obvious but essential order of operations here: 1) Elect pro-democracy Democrats to WH, Congress 2) Get rid of the filibuster, without which you can't do anything else 3) Expand/rebalance the court, without with the Court will block anything else 4) Lots more democracy reforms
While I'm at it I will add that expanding & rebalancing the Court is not the only necessary Court reform, it *is* the one that would immediately disempower the right-wing authoritarians who have seized control of SCOTUS and who would block any other meaningful reforms.
I would add that since this court has shown no respect for its precedent and has invited a pipeline of 5th circuit courts to do the same, Congress should ignore this decision and pass a bill explicitly rebuking this decision. Congress is the first of equals and needs to speak on this.
Until we elect a Dem majority to both the House & the Senate, we can’t expect the GOP to do that! Right now, only Biden can issue orders, & if the election gives him clear majority, we can have reform, & other important laws to protect rights! Right now, everything is in the WH’s hands.
Executive Orders need not be voted on by Congress, so that’s the only way Biden can do anything about this!
Of course. A real response requires having control of Congress and presidency. We should have a day 1 plan ready though. It should become part of how we vet candidates. No more Sinemas!
People are sleeping on the fact that Biden has been quietly reforming the courts from the ground up by appointing dozens of black civil rights lawyers & public defenders to the bench instead of the usual white prosecutors & Big Law partners.