Elon Green

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Elon Green


LAST CALL: A TRUE STORY OF LOVE, LUST, AND MURDER IN QUEER NEW YORK (2021) (https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250224354/lastcall), THE MAN NOBODY KILLED (March 2025) https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250898227/the-man-nobody-killed
I love these "blue MAGA" lists. Like, yes, I will happily vote against any Republican. "Vote red even when dead" is why there's a Nazi supermajority on the court. That shit works!
My point here not about this particular poll, nor this an attempt at "unskewing". Not doing that. But you should at least consider what the polls are in aggregate showing, and not react purely to what you *imagine* they're showing.
The reality is that, so far, there's little polling evidence that Biden's lost much support since the debate. But that's not gonna permeate the bluesky ecosystem because election/polling twitter didn't migrate over here.
The reality is that, so far, there's little polling evidence that Biden's lost much support since the debate. But that's not gonna permeate the bluesky ecosystem because election/polling twitter didn't migrate over here.
All is not lost. Don’t act like all is lost.
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No joke, if you think of yourself as even remotely progressive and you aren’t ready to crawl over broken glass to vote against Trump, get some help.
In a sense, this is the inverse of '16. McConnell held the SCOTUS seat open & the party responded accordingly. Now we have a situation where we can keep a lawless nazi from using these new executive powers & greenlighting Project 2025. Our side ought to be just as eager, even excited, to fight this.
Or as @awgordon.bsky.social put it:
In a sense, this is the inverse of '16. McConnell held the SCOTUS seat open & the party responded accordingly. Now we have a situation where we can keep a lawless nazi from using these new executive powers & greenlighting Project 2025. Our side ought to be just as eager, even excited, to fight this.
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I've been at the forefront of the resurgence of the court expansion effort for five years* and I can assure everyone that a necessary predicate is electing Democrats to the White House and Congress. If anyone is confused about that ... stop. * Go follow @takebackthect.bsky.social
One thing that makes me nervous about the resurgence of the court-packing talk is that it's not paired with "but first you absolutely must vote for Biden." Like, sorry, that's the literal bare minimum that is required if you want to have this conversation.
It's public masturbation masquerading as activism.
There's nothing in this medium I hate more than the smug piety of "We warned you and you didn't listen!" social media posts. I sincerely hope that nothing later this year tempts me to write one of those.
i don't want to read a thing about Ralph Nader unless it concludes with "he was survived by his cats."
why can't you idiots spell "Newsom"?
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My latest Crime & Mystery column is up, reviewing new books by Patricia Raybon, DC Frost, Richard Lange, and Robyn Gigl.
4 Great Fictional Detectiveswww.nytimes.com The books in this month’s column have something in common: unforgettable main characters.
let me show you what photo would be all over this site 3 seconds after Michelle Obama enters the race. all of the supposed savior candidates have baggage that will be hauled out as evidence that they're not good enough, and we should not kid ourselves about that.
Do you remember literally anything about how Michelle Obama was treated when she was a live political figure and not just a warm memory of a better time?
This was *extremely* apparent during the 2020 primary. The first weeks of February, much of (white) progressive twitter talked of Sanders' win as a forgone conclusion, with Biden as an afterthought. Much of black twitter, however, was saying "don't get over your skis." Media focus was on the former.
it feels like the whiteness of big political media spaces right now is having a big effect on how people are thinking about the debate. eg I have seen relatively little discussion of trump's "black jobs" comment, which immediately exploded on black twitter
Man, the frequency with which professional journos and pundits toss around "sundowning" is, at best, dispiriting, but mainly gross.
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So far Biden has said the magic words on Nazis, abortion, 1/6, and climate change Big moment for posturing people on here to beat the charges their objection to Biden is wholly aesthetic
why is it so hard for people to understand this
If Biden wins this time, Thomas and Alito will be around 80, so it’s not crazy to think he could get the court to 5-4 liberal himself. If the Dems then win the next presidency too then it’s getting close to a lock
Bowman's a shitty candidate and I hope he wins.
this is great. Vote for Biden.
Excited to introduce a project I've been working on for a long time: a thorough comparison of Biden and Trump on the issues. "The stakes, not the odds," to borrow from Jay Rosen. The initial version has 6 topics, but I'll be adding more, as well as updating with new statements/policies. Gift link:
Where Joe Biden and Donald Trump Stand on the Issueswww.nytimes.com Here’s what President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump have done and want to do on abortion, democracy, the economy, immigration, Israel and Gaza, and Social Security and Medicare.
I've got lots of reasons to vote for Biden, and look forward to doing so, but this is one I hadn't given much thought to. But hell yes.
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
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A big thing here is that Biden talks about these things all the time. At some point you have to admit that a lot of supposed politics knowers aren't very aware of what POTUS does and says on a day-to-basis
elders seem to be imploding every 48 hours. Just like the early days!
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gonna put this out there: i've got a pitch i'm shopping about the movie soundtrack album, its unstoppability in the '80s and '90s, how it died at the hands of streaming, and how a few movies (Lion King, Barbie, Twisters, TV Glow) are trying to bring it back editors, hit me up
"Even though “Last Call” first aired way back in July, its unanimous critical praise ... still stands as one of the year’s strongest. ... [W]ill Emmy voters want to press play to see a powerful series about a difficult subject? Our best guess is that they will." nextbestpicture.com/top-10-docum...
Top 10 Documentary Or Nonfiction Series To Keep An Eye On For The 2024 Emmy Seasonnextbestpicture.com The Television Academy guidelines are clear enough. The qualifications for the Documentary or Nonfiction Series Emmy are programs that include documentaries, travelogues, segmented/magazine programs, ...
I'd love to get excited about the implications of Alito not being in court, but I remember how half this site decided Fetterman's wife was gonna divorce him on account of her instagram
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In raw terms, Biden has successfully wiped out $144 billion of debt for around four million people - an average of $36,000 per person for a population a little larger than the population of Connecticut.
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
"he can't do this" is a very stupid thing to believe when there's a 6-3 supreme court.
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
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On every issue, in every way, Trump is promising to be worse than Biden if you’re coming from anywhere to the left of, like, if Joe Manchin and Lisa Murkowski had a baby.
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
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Mad Libs, but for third-rate tiktokers.
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