
Tired of people claiming they're not "pro-Hamas, just anti-genocide" while chanting Hamas's slogans and asserting that a war against terrorists is genocide. Plenty to be concerned about regarding proportionality and the laws of war, but hard pass on this kind of sophistry.
Notions of fundamental justice cut across boundaries & topics - they’re as relevant to protesting genocide as they are to climate emergency response. More power to her.
It is manifestly not a war against terrorists, though. You'd have to be either naive or motivated to believe that.
Pretty sure that a war after a 9/11 type attack by terrorists gets the benefit of the doubt that it's a war on terrorists.
If truly amazes me that you’d pick the response to 9/11 of all things to try to make this point?
Why? I think the Israelis suffered a traumatizing national terror attack. They're at war with the organization that conducted it. Like us, they may not be pursuing that war wisely, but it's not "genocide."
What’s a million or so dead after all; we had been attacked.
Fuck I really wish Tom would take the hint that nobody here cares for his bullshit and he'd be more welcome on the Nazi sites
Molligru seems to have trouble intellectualizing her thoughts without resorting to personal attacks and swearing. She would be welcomed back to Twitter……
An intellectual giant…….
Bless your ill informed and uncouth little soul…..
how do you know eating shit and hair is a bad idea unless you try it do report back
It is a generous and genuine invitation to eat the shit and hair, not everyone gets this offer Confidentially, it would be uncouth to refuse, an extreme faux pas
And her *personal* shit and hair, even Truly a gracious act indeed
It is in limited supply, I don't just give it away to anybody
An intellectual giant she is not…..
An "intellectual giant" is demanding Hamas do something they already agreed to do Slaughtering children is fucking abhorrent you genocidal freak
Of course Israel is bombing Rafah. There are thousands of Hamas terrorists hiding there and holding innocent hostages. Civilians have been warned to move to specific areas to avoid harm. Hamas can finish this by releasing the hostages and laying down their weapons
Maybe if Hamas laid down its arms, stopped using innocent Palestinians as human shields and agreed to hand over administration of Gaza to a group that is not calling for the genocide of Jews and the destruction of Israel, we might get to a sustainable peace and some security for Palestinians….