
The laws characterized as "anti-LGBTQ legislation" in this piece have targeted trans and gender non-conforming people and I'm really not sure what the point is of trying to obscure that fact. It is not yet illegal to be a cis gay kid but 25 states have laws against trans kids.
Threats to Pride events this year may seem to be the work of individuals—people who might not be immediately linked to a well-known group—but these attacks on queer and trans community are not isolated. This is political violence, not individual resentment. My new piece:
Call Attacks on Pride What They Are: Political Threats and anti-LGBTQ+ harassment at Pride events are increasingly inseparable from other political developments.
There is not a legislative attack on "LGBTQ people" there is a coordinated, concerted attack on trans people going on that the media should not be obscuring or otherwise failing to report on.
I take the point. While I’ve covered anti-trans legislation for several years—“anti-LGBTQ legislation” here was just quick shorthand in a piece about violence targeting queer and trans people, and one that may have missed the mark, particularly without the context of my other reporting.
And I wish more cis queer people would understand that, because once they get done with trans people, we're next. Solidarity is our only option.
That’s why I don’t mind the framing of “anti-LGBTQ” in reporting on it. Cis gay men perform as drag queens too. Laws against drag performance will affect people who aren’t trans as well. And if the right succeeds in adequately suppressing trans folks, the cis gays are next.
Every single drag ban that's been taken to court has so far been ruled unenforceable on 1st amendment grounds. And yet the bans on transition care for minors stand and they will kill children.
Trans people and parents of trans children (not mutually exclusive groups) are having to move hundreds of miles to one of the few states where there's some degree of safety in a way drag performers are not.
If y'all cis gays can't muster yourselves to be in solidarity except on the grounds that it might affect you someday then frankly you can go to hell with the apathetic straight people because solidarity never meant anything to you anyway. Children. Are going. To fucking. Die.
Yeah, that was my original point, too. We have to be bigger allies to trans people because right now, they are the most at risk.
I’m not arguing with you that trans people are the ones being specifically attacked right now. But they ARE anti-LGBTQ attacks. The T stands for Trans, and the whole community needs to resist divide-&-conquer tactics.
If the media were to report on the matter, then they wouldn't have any chance whatsoever of another multi-trillion-dollar tax break to spend on stock buybacks. There's a lot they just plain don't talk about at all.
Who's Making News? Tracking News Reporting of Sex Crimes Against Minors