
the best part of this is that it takes a bunch of things (trump begging, trump being broke, trump going to his enemies for money because money is all he cares about, people laughing at him) that are expertly combined to drive trump into a frothing madness, i hope the campaign gets it on television
lmao, biden just doing fucking donuts in the mar-a-lago parking lot
The way you beat Trump, on an interpersonal level, is by treating him like the clown he is. This one quote honestly gave me more hope for this election than anything I’ve heard so far.
Josh Marshall's theory of dominance politics has held pretty true these past years. It's hard to balance treating him like a genuine threat (which he is) and treating him like a broke-ass loser, but that's the task starting right now.
A campaign ad of biden doing dad/grandpa jokes actually sounds wonderful.
The drive-by on DeSantis is also extremely funny because that guy tap danced his way into irrelevancy months ago and he’s still catching hits from the President of these United States.
And mocking the right and making them look ridiculous (if you can do it effectively) is the quickest way to defang them.
I mean, this was said 5 days ago and we’re just seeing it now. They need to get ruthlessly repetitive with this shit
Just needs a “sir”, and tears.
Also an excuse to talk about his student debt relief program.