
i think you can safely assume vance has always been like this, his entire career has been a mix of indignation that he’s not more respected than he is and a strikingly deep contempt for the rubes, and his success can be attributed to the rubes thinking he means their neighbor/brother/child, not them
JD Vance doesn’t believe in anything, but he certainly doesn’t believe in this. I often wonder what it does to a person’s soul to cynically adopt bad positions for a living. Do they come to “believe” them bc of positive feedback from the rubes? Are they a bunch of Gollums? Or just evil?
anyone who has spent time around working class whites knows the person who thinks they’re morally better than their family and their friends and their coworkers and their peers and who not-so-secretly thinks those people deserve everything bad that happens to them in life. vance is their champion.
Similar but slightly different from the core Trump voter
I think partly in that the Vance guy thinks he's smarter than the Trump guy
vance’s audience is the first-generation money trump voter, the same person who lost their fucking mind over obama’s “you didn’t build that” comment
holy shit i forgot about the outrage over the suggestion that roads were built by the government. what a long strange etc etc
outside of my father and sister, they make up one entire side of my family
Appropriate he's a Senator from Ohio
my extended family is from ohio, he is not hard for me to spot
As someone with family from E TX, KY, and FL 🫡
Morally better = earns six figures if was poor/ earns mid six figures+ if was middle class. The grist of any well-funded campaign
they are full of abject contempt for the people who make more and less than they do, too
This is honestly one of the only satisfying explanations I've seen for why so many poor people support the GOP
I just didn't know there were so many of them.
I think there are enough of them to be decisive in the R primary, and then the sanctifying mark of the R is enough to get you over the top in a lot of states. Not voting for an R would cause them a genuine crisis of faith.
Other than the word "white," you have described Clarence Thomas.
My contention is that Amy Chua doesn't suffer nearly enough opprobrium for plucking this particular turd out of the sewer to be consumed by the public. He's an uber-elitist's ideal of a blue collar striver, someone with as much contempt for the workers as they have.