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Recovering lawyer. Politics and cute animals. Sometimes a kpop stan account. Believes six impossible things before breakfast. She/her
Reposted byAvatar lawless
I'm back with your Sunday evening update! 1006 if you have paid $177,696.11 for 3039 items! That is now a full $10,000 of rounding up from your invoices! 44 of you have taken advantage of 2nd chance offers to add $25,449 to our total!! We are now officially past $975k total!
Reposted byAvatar lawless
* A gentle reminder that we only accept donations via the ActBlue page set up for this event! We can not, ever, accept donations you have made to political campaigns! That would be election crimes, and we do not do election crimes!
Reposted byAvatar lawless
I'm back with your Sunday evening update! 1006 if you have paid $177,696.11 for 3039 items! That is now a full $10,000 of rounding up from your invoices! 44 of you have taken advantage of 2nd chance offers to add $25,449 to our total!! We are now officially past $975k total!
Reposted byAvatar lawless
"The preliminary results upended widespread predictions of a clear victory for the National Rally," says the NYT just now. Wait, who made these predictions of a massive victory for the National Rally again? Oh yeah, these guys did:
Reposted byAvatar lawless
I really don’t understand people who are like “no, don’t be heartened by news, you must only ever look for dark sides.”
Reposted byAvatar lawless
So for all the narrative about the inevitable slide into anti-immigrant populism, four of Western Europe's five largest countries now have left or center left governments?
Reposted byAvatar lawless
“Historically, men made up the majority of those dying in the border desert. But in recent years, the balance has shifted. Increasingly, those dying are women.” — Jessica Kutz, @19thnews. 😰
Under increasing pressure to migrate, more women are dying at the US-Mexico Historically, men made up the majority of those dying in the border desert. But the balance is shifting.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Just remember: the fascists do not have to win. It is not inevitable.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
The news from France and the UK are incredibly heartening, and we love being heartened.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Do you REALLY want four years of us brits going "yeah we do eat baked beans on toast but at least our leader isn't a fascist cheeto wankjob, haha"? NO you DON'T.
there are many reasons we need to win in the fall, but one of them is that i simply am not going to abide by letting both the brits and the french lecture us
Reposted byAvatar lawless
I am not a political media strategist but nonetheless I feel pretty solid about this
I feel like the trick with Project 2025 is exactly the same as the WGA strike. little snippet screencaps going viral all over normie social media that make some shocking thing you had no idea about instantly digestible to anyone regardless of their information level or background
Reposted byAvatar lawless
gotta be the change you wanna see in the world, start posting about literally anything else
"Just have a little check in on Bsky, people will have to have gotten it out of their system by now..."
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Did you think the updates were over?? Thanks to folks rounding up and our second chance winners, we're now at $975,000! We are so close... 👀😍
Reposted byAvatar lawless
"The core of organizing is raising expectations." - Jane McAlevey
Reposted byAvatar lawless
From Insta: When your therapist tells you: "The fact that you're considered 'high functioning' doesn't mean your illness is easier for you to deal with. It means it's easier for others to deal with." ☝️Interesting bookends to my day👇
You're a person, not a chore.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Reposted byAvatar lawless
All of the people indulging in these fantasy Democratic primary scenarios think that people vote reflexively because it’s what they themselves do; they don’t realize that turnout is a product of hard work. Unseen, unheralded work. By unseen, unheralded people.
I don’t know why they think pissing off the door-knockers and canvassing power of the party will end well, but these people don’t understand what they refuse to see
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Another day, another snooze ❤️
Reposted byAvatar lawless
People with dementia are far more likely to, and this is a purely hypothetical example, answer questions by rambling for five minutes about something completely unrelated that blends together actual events, second-hand accountings, and delusions.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
you can freely criticize him for trying that approach *and i will heartily agree*, because i think it was extremely stupid and undercut most of his natural strengths (as well as exposing his longstanding liabilities), but, like, it was pretty clear to me that this is what he was trying to do.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
like, you have to pick a lane here, because i don't think that we typically associate people suffering dementia and a head cold with sticking *too* closely to the list of facts, stats and figures they have spent the previous days memorizing in order to rattle them off in a 2m response window
what drives me up the wall is that the very thing that hobbled him in the first 15 of the debate — trying to cram in a ton of facts and figures and references that he clearly committed to memory over the previous few days — is a thing that people who actually have dementia normally can't do well.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
what drives me up the wall is that the very thing that hobbled him in the first 15 of the debate — trying to cram in a ton of facts and figures and references that he clearly committed to memory over the previous few days — is a thing that people who actually have dementia normally can't do well.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Several people have just outright said they think every old person gets dementia and im legit angry about it
Reposted byAvatar lawless
And if you’ve called a Black woman fake or a right wing plant in this calendar year Maybe take a step back or 12
Reposted byAvatar lawless
And if you work in tech and journalism I especially need you to shut the entire fuck up Because the number of female abusers yall have defended because of “patriarchy/ the right wing” while saying everything from “we aren’t rea to coordinated silence Has been two decades of no change
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Would we be an org run by romance readers & writers if we didn't say PLAN FOR THE HEA???
Does this mean we actually have a shot at hitting the $1M overall goal???!!!!!!! YAS!!!!!
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Lot of questions about why Macron called snap elections. One clear factor: By ordering speed campaign, he expected Left could not unite, & so they'd be knocked out in Round 1, helping his own party. Instead, Left united within days—& now surged to win biggest bloc in Assembly.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Macron basically built a political party around him. That worked before and now it isn’t. In democracies, personalist parties have to adapt or they will crumble with their leaders declining popularity.
I wrote this in 2017, shortly after Macron's 1st win. I said: Macron is so open about being hostile to Left, that it salvages a huge path for the broad left to be an alternative... if it manages to unite. Few things I've ever written have aged so well.
Reposted byAvatar lawless
And if you’re wondering what these women are like when the chips fall please note This is how they talk about a FUCKING CHILD who DEPENDED on the adults around them What the fuck do you think they pull with people LESS important to their image
Reposted byAvatar lawless
Things seem bleak but it’s probably a bad sign for Republicans that people have started mentioning their actual goals and political blueprint and their response is “how fucking dare you??”