
"Why does Biden look and sound fine when his campaign is shooting him on film the day after and didn't when it was the news hand of David Zaslav's company?" has its own answer if you just think about it a little bit
god, i hate conspiracies, but, man, even the difference between the debate stage and his *immediate* post-debate speech is, like, large and notable.
Microphone pickups are weird and wonky and they could have fucked it up without any intention to do so
a simple explanation would be that they chose to keep both candidates’ mics at the same level, which would be absolutely insane in literally any other context but somehow seen as fairness in this one
Sure. I don't know, but like, it sure seems like the difference between the debate and those other two is so clearly the sound, I wasn't listening to the debate, I watched it and read it in CC, and after the first like fifteen, Biden was doing fine visually and in the text
Biden also looked about fifteen years older last night than he did at the rally this afternoon.
Gee, I don't know, sounds like lighting and sound to me
the lighting is on his prep people, they should have figured that one out
To be clear, my position is, even with Biden sounding raspy in the debate, that he did just fine, stayed on message, landed some hits, and Trump raved like a madman for two hours and barely made sense.
mine is that people who want to treat debates like sporting events have to report on it like a sporting event, which does not end after the first period
like, we call this horserace reporting, but i’ve read the daily race form at the track, no one only reports on the first quarter of the race